Chapter 7

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All i could was laugh. "That sounds like one of the best ideas i have ever heard." I said pulling Ray into my lap, he was kneeling on the floor, to kiss him agein.

~3rd person POV~

As time passed it was getting closer the wedding. They still fought sometimes, mostly in lets plays now, the fans noticed, and kept asking what was going, once they the guys realized, they tryed there best to stop, they did, a little, not enough for people to stop questiong. And for Ray and Ryan, well they got the wedding all plained it was perfect in both their eyes, expect, Ryan wanted their suits to match the color theme perfectly, and they did, expect for the Mad Kings crown. The color of the gems on it didnt match hes suit at all. He thought of many differnt ways to get out of it. During this time geoff and the guys invited the to of them go out and get some bevs, ray stayed home he said he left ill and told ryan thst he could dont let me ruin your good time, so he went. There he met this girl name Laurie. The three if them hung out sometimes and she was also invited to the wedding.

Its now augest 9th, the day before the wedding.

~Rays POV~

"Im just saying that the gems on the crown dont match, i dont think it would look good." Ryan said as we walked into the office. We had been argueing about this on the way to work.

"Who cares they are so tiny no one will notice! No one will go up to you look at the colors and say the dont match your suit!" I said taking sitting down at my desk, everyone asked if everything was ok i was busy yelling at ryan to answer. "You know what fine. Dont wear the crown! Im still wearing my mask though i dont care what you think. So much for the best idea you ever heard." I put my head phones and loaded up GTA V we were going to record a lets play in it.

While it was loading i texted Laurie:

"Hey can you do me a favor?" R~

"Yea sure what is it?" L~

~the next day Saterday Augest 1oth~

Everyone is at the wedding hall. Ryan and i arent allowed to see each other, not till "i" walk down isle.

"You ready Laurie?" I asked shes my suit, its white with a red vest, and my white tuxido man mask.

"I still dont think this a good idea." She said

"Itll be fine." I said

"Ok here i go." She said i followed her and took a seat in the back i was currtly wearing a black suit with a black tie.

Imdetily people were whispering to the people next to them, Gavin was staring at me, i guess he was me slip into the room. When Laurie got up to were Ryan was standing he question her, she told him what i told her to tell him. i didnt notice until he put hes hand in my shoulder but Gavin was now standing next to me, now he was questioning me.

"Whats going on why arent you up there?" He said. Now all attention was on me.

"So much for the best idea ever and the 'perfect' day." Thats all i managed to say, and i went back to thr dressing room type room, laurie, gavin, micheal, geoff who was suppose to walk me down the isle, jack and ryan followed, geoff told jack not to let ryan in the room. After some crying they conviced me to go get out there, didnt take to much, i really do love him and want to marry him. I changed laurie changed into the dress she brought with her. After about 20 minutes ryan everything was sorted out and i had my mask and suit on. Geoff lead me down with isle Millie was the flower girl. When i walked in i noticed that Ryan had hes crown on, i couldnt have been happyer.

"I know declare you married."

Ryan kissed me, Michael and Gavin kissed, Geoff kissed Griffion, and Jack kissed Cati.

Ryans wedding ring was silver with a gold crown on it and mine was silver with the rest of the rose on it to match my enagement ring.

At the party everyone had the best time, and Geoff got a little drunk. It really was the best day ever.

-at ryan and rays apperment at the end of night, ryans POV-

Ray was already in bed looking through Twitter when i getting into bed, once he saw i was in he put hes phone on the night stand, i then rolled over so i was on top on with my hand by the sides of hes to keep my up. He laughed.

"Some stunt you pulled today huh love." I said

"Well i thought you already knew not to mess with me, i could be crazyer then you sometimes babe."

"Well i guess you had to teach me that lesson twice."

"I guess i did." He said laughing. "I love you baby."

"Oh prove it." I said turning reaching over to turn off the lamp.

"Oh i will."

~Michaels POV~

Gavin got a little drunk with Geoff, Ray and Ryan didnt seem to mind, they were laughing at them when Geoff tired to dance. Although they were sober enough for the slow dance at least.

"That was beutiful." Gavin said walking into our apartment. He finially moved in with me.

"We should do that one day." I said grabbing a small box from the bed room

"Yea we should." He said laughing.

"So would i get a yes?" I asked

"If its you who proposes."

"Well i am." I said sitting next to him showing him the silver band.

"Then its a yes." He said kissing me.

"We got toghter when ryan and ray got enaged, and enaged when they got married." I said laughing

"Your right." Gavin said laughing as well.

We laughed and talked for a little while longer then went to sleep, so be up to get to Geoff house on time.

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