Chapter 6 🤪

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When we get back on the bus Gio says "you gonna sit by me mamas?" "I don't know if I should." He starts getting sad and says "pweaseee" he says in a baby voice. I giggle and say "ughh your so fucking cute I can't say no to when you do that" Gio grabs me and picks me up and says "ughh yessss" Ona got her phone out and recorded us . Gio took me to the seat we were gonna sit at and says "I saved this spot just for you beautiful" I smile and peck his lips. "COUPLE GOALSSS" I hear someone say, I turn around and it was Ona , Diego , and Owen with there phone out recording us. Me and Gio laugh and sit back down.

I get on my phone check Social media and I see that Desi posted the picture of me and Gio and she says "ugh there couple goals all the wayyy 😩😍" I tell her to send me the picture and she sends it to me and I put it as my lockscreen. I smile and say "aweee" Gio looks at me and says "what's so awe princess?" I turn off my phone and turn it back on showing my lock screen and I show Gio . "You look so cute when you sleep" "that's what I was thinking about you Curly" he hugs me and lays his head on my chest I put my arm around his neck and turn on my phone and record Gio and he gives the camera a warm smile I put the caption as "ugh he warms my whole heart with his smile 😍😍" he kisses my cheek and stays in the say position. I start watching YouTube and Gio watches with me.

After a little while he fell asleep on my chest. He looked so cute I couldn't resist so I go on Snapchat and take a video of him and I kiss his forehead. I put the caption as "he fell asleep on my chest 😩💛" I watch YouTube for a little bit more and I fall asleep.

I wake up to someone tapping my shoulder and saying "babé wake up" I knew it was Gio so I wake up and Gio looks at me and smiles "there's my princess, we're in San Diego" "ugh I'm so comfortable tho" " come on" He says turning around which means he wants me to get on his back so I did . We get off of the bus and get into the hotel room tonight we had to share a room with Alex and Ona so I was excited !

It was about 9 when we got to the hotel and it was so beautiful outside I loved it. "Curlyyyy" "yesss mamas?" "Can we go to the store and get some chips?" "Of course" "can I wear your hoodie I love it" "Sure" Gio says giving me his black hoodie. I put it on and go outside in my slides with Gio I texted Owen to tell him to come to the store because he wanted to go to and turns out Desi,Diego and Brandon came to. So we all walked to the store just talking.

When we finally get there I get some sour cream pringles and an Arizona green tea and when I was about to pay Brandon says "I'll pay for all of you guys" "thanks big brother" I say hugging him . Everyone says thank you and we head out. Me and Gio walk infront of everyone and he says "why do you love my hoodie so much ?" " it reminds me of you and it smells like you" he grabs my hand and says "I'm glad you like it" for the rest of the walk back to the hotel we hold hands "goodnight Desi and Diego" "goodnight dumbasses" Diego says to me and Gio "goodnight sister Owen" "goodnight sister lexa" Owen says "Goodnight Brother" "goodnight lil sister" Brandon says and smiles.

Me and Gio go into the Hotel and Alex and Ona were already asleep so I went live . "Hey Guysss I missed y'all sorry I haven't gone live in a fat minute" I see a comment that says "if 10k gets on your live you and Gio should kiss" I look at Gio and say "read this" he reads it and pins it "get it to 10k right now" he says I laugh and say "your down?" "Of course I am" I blush and I see all the comments " awee shes blushinnn"

It's been 10 minutes and I set up my camera on the bed and Gio comes by me it was at 9k and just like that it hit 10k . Gio looks at me and kisses me I kiss him back . After we let go for about 5 seconds I look at the comments they were all so sweet !

I get off of live and fall asleep on Gio's chest....

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