Magical (1)

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also guess whos gonna go see 5SOS tomorroW IM SO EXCITED DNSKABFVYSBOJ ILL SEND U ALL PICS well lol post a chapter in my book bUT WHATEVRR

this is a Harry Potter au btw and the whole thing is like 10k words long so I might have like 5 chapters of this I'm sorry

also I wrote the beginning like 6 months ago so just suffer through it with me pls I'm soRRY


When Michael was old enough, his dad bought him one of those kid spell books that he could practice, and so he made the family dog turn purple. His parents were wizards, and he knew about magic, that's for sure, considering they both attended Hogwarts. They'd moved to Australia before Michael was born, but when he was seven, they'd moved back to London so that Michael could look forward to Hogwarts.

They quickly found other families that were wizards too when they settled into their house, including the Hemmings, Hoods, and Irwins, who all had sons around Michael's age.

Michael was scared to meet his new neighbours at first, thinking that they wouldn't like him for having weird green eyes like the people in Australia did. But when Liz and Andrew begged Daryl and Karen to take in the youngest of their family, Luke, for an hour or two, his (kind of strange) fear was slowly forgotten and Luke loaned him one of his brothers' old toy broomstick to fly around on. (Things broke, and Michael was instantly put outside with the broomstick.)

But once he and Luke were nine, they met Calum, who had just come back from his first year at Hogwarts, along with Ashton, the second year student they were a bit scared of.

By the time they were almost eleven and their first year was about to start, they'd grown nearly inseparable, even bonding with Calum and Ashton, who were from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.

They'd rode together on the train, and thought about what houses the two first years would be in. Ashton was sure Luke could be a potential Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but Michael just didn't fit either of the two, nor Hufflepuff. Calum, with his house pride, disagreed. He thought that Michael would make an excellent Hufflepuff, but the two secretly agreed that Michael would be best suited in Slytherin.

Michael didn't pay attention, though, making plans with Luke for the future, whether they were in the same house or not.

Luke ended up being a Ravenclaw, and Michael was up next. He sat down on the stool and waited for the hat to be placed on his head. It took the hat a while and a lot of humming to figure that Michael wouldn't fit in Gryffindor, although he had many qualities, nor was he brilliant enough to be a Ravenclaw, but Slytherin seemed to fit perfectly for Michael.


Fast forward to now, in year three; they've joined the new duelling club and, honestly, Michael is trying to catch up to Luke, seeing as they were the last competition of the entire club. They'd beaten everyone else.

"Merlin's beard, Michael - take a break," Ashton said, after the seventeenth time he'd been successfully disarmed, "you've been at this the entire day."

"Have you seen Luke's strategy?" Michael said, throwing his arms up. "I can't have a chink in my defense or offense!" He said, blowing part of his honey-blonde fringe out of his face.

"Michael. Calm down." Ashton sighed, walking over to Michael, who was strung out to the point where he kept his wand at the ready.

"I can't."

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