Chapter 1: She Just Said She Would Be Here

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                                                                                  Vanessa's pov 

"We hope you all have enjoyed your flight, thank you for flying Southwest." Finally I can get off of this plane. The flight seemed like it was never going to end. I shuffle along with the others in a slow attempt to reach the baggage claim and retrieve my luggage. I've been to LAX hundreds of times but still get easily lost as if it were my first time in an airport. Once I finally reach the baggage claim I grab my suitcase and walk outside to look for Madelaine's car. 

The warm Los Angeles air immediately hits me as I walk out of the automatic doors. I could not  be happier to be back in California, considering that I just spent the worst weekend of my life in Chicago. Michael and I broke up after just a few months of dating. He told me that with both of our schedules being so busy all of the time, he couldn't handle a relationship on top of everything else. I tried and tried to reason with him, I told him I would even take time off of Riverdale to be with him and support him. He said that it would be unnecessary to do that because he would be busy with baseball anyway. 

I would give him idea after idea to help our relationship not have such a strain on it. But all he did was say no to everything without giving it a second thought.  It was like our relationship meant nothing to him at all. So after we broke up I took the first flight to Los Angeles and asked Madelaine to pick me up. 

She doesn't even know what happened yet and did't ask why I was coming to LA, she just said he would be here. I am so lucky to have a best friend like her, I would be helpless if Madelaine wasn't always there to support me. 

Once her black jeep comes into view, I quickly walk over to it and pop open the passenger side door. "Hi gorgeous!" She says, showing  me her perfectly straight teeth. I can tell by the tone in her voice and the tapping of her fingers on the steering wheel, that she's had at least 3 cups of coffee today. "Hey Mads." I respond in a more deflated tone than I intended, but, I still offer her a small smile. 

She immediately recognizes the tone in my voice and asks me what's wrong. I honestly didn't feel like going into detail about what happened with everything but it's not fair to keep if from her and considering that she went out of her way to pick me up, the least I can do is tell her why I'm upset. "Michael broke up with me."I dryly tell her. I begin to feel the lump in my throat just from telling her the most vague detail about it. Saying it out loud for the first time makes it feel more real, like if only him and I knew, it wasn't real to everybody else. "Oh my god why? Are you okay? Well obviously your not okay, but-" "Mads slow down, one question at a time. Let me explain what happened and then you can ask questions after, okay?" She gives me a concerned look but then slowly begins to shake her head. "Okay, deal." She says quietly. 

So that's exactly what I did for the duration of the car ride home. I cried explaining to her more than when he broke up with me. She even pulled over at one point to hold me in her arms while I sobbed. Being in her arms made me realize how much I've missed her. Throughout the whole story she continued to listen to me while she drove us back to her apartment, nodding along to show me she understood. 

Once we got back to her apartment, she drew, me a bath and made a pot of tea. Sometimes, I feel like she knows me more than I know myself. She cares about me so much and I never want to lose her. Luckily Travis wasn't home to see me because I probably looked ridiculous with mascara smeared all over my face. After my bath, I changed into some black leggings, a baggy hoody, and threw my hair up in a bun. Madelaine and I then watched Netflix in her room. "So, are you ready to start filming season three on Wednesday?" She asks as I reach over and click the next episode of Gossip Girl. I completely forgot we start filming on Wednesday, the thought of it right now seems dreadful but I know by tomorrow I will feel better than I do right now. "Yeah definitely. I can't believe it's already just 2 days away! Do you think we will get more screen time together this season?" I know the fans went crazy over the Choni scenes last season so I can't wait to see what the writers have in store for this one. 

I'm just ready to have more screen time with Madelaine in general. I love spending time with her and she always finds a way to make me laugh or put me in a better mood. "I hope we do, Choni forever right?" she responds, chuckling to herself. "Enough talk about work, tomorrow I have a surprise for you so get some sleep" she says as she goes to turn the light off but not before throwing me a devious smirk. Now I just need to figure out if I should be excited or worried for what she has planned. 

Hi everybody! So I'm new to this and this is my first story on here. So ple

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