Chapter 11: The Plan

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                                                                                                                    Vanessa's POV
Okay I need to make a plan to save Madelaine from Travis without hurting her even more. The news of her engagement has spread like wildfire throughout social media and both of their families know so it's going to be pretty difficult trying to do this quietly. I'm scrolling through Madelaine's  instagram while laying in bed, not looking forward to getting up and starting my day.

Travis is suppose to be throwing a party at his and Madelaine's apartment and of course, I'm not invited but is that going to stop me from going? Nope. I just need a plan to have Travis alone in a room with some girl and for Madelaine and all of the guests to see. Then they will call off the engagement and Madelaine can come live with me, like she should be. And if Travis tries to threaten her again, we'll just get a restraining order to keep the creep far away from her as possible.

I go to my contacts and press Cami's number and put the phone to my ear.


"Hey Cami, I was wondering if you were going to Travis's party tonight and if I could possibly be" Asking to be her date is a little risking but it's the only way I'll be able to get in.

"Oh sure, you know I could never say no to you, I'll pick you up at 8." She says in a happier tone than when she answered. I roll my eyes but have to go along with it just for the night.

"Okay sounds goo, see you then." I hang up the phone before she can say anything else and annoy me more. Now, the next thing I have to do is get an outfit for the night.

I spend the rest of the afternoon shopping and fixing up my apartment, trying to not die from overthinking about tonight. It's now 7:45 and I do a once over in the mirror to make sure I look perfect. I went with a red crop top, high waisted distressed jeans, and red high top converse to match. I did a cute natural look with my makeup and left my hair down in loose curls. I can't wait to see what Madelaine is wearing tonight but I'm mostly looking forward to after the party, when I bring her home with me. My phone chimes in my pocket, snapping me out of my thoughts and see that it's a text from Cami saying that she is here.

"Hey beautiful" Cami says as I step into the car and gives me a wink.

"Hi" I give her a quick smile and take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves for the events coming up.

"So...what made you want to be my date for the night? Other than the fact that I'm quite irresistable." She looks at me through the corner of her and I can't help but chuckle at her remark.

"I don't know, I guess I just missed you and wanted to be with you for the night." Which is a lie but I have to do it to keep her happy because if it weren't for her I wouldn't even be on my way to this party right now.

"Aww how cute, I guessss I missed you too." She stretches the guess and smiles to herself as we pull into the apartment complex and find a spot to park.

Cami knocked on the door and it is immediately opened by Travis.

The first thing his eyes land on is me and then they dart to Cami holding my hand.

"You guys are a thing now?" He questions with his eyebrows raised, not even bothering to look at Cami as he already has his eyes glued to mine.

"Yup!" I quickly say before Cami can respond and look over at her and hope she doesn't say anything stupid to blow this.

"Alright come in I guess." He says as he moves to the side to let us in and shuts the door behind us.

"I'm going to get us something to drink, I'll be right back" Cami says to me as she lets go of my hand and begins to wander further into the apartment.

Next thing I know, Travis is at my side staring at me with cold eyes and all I can think about is where Madelaine is.

"Don't think you're going to be talking to Madelaine tonight, cause this whole you and Cami thing is not fooling me." He steps closer to me and takes a sip of his beer.

"I didn't come here for her Travis, relax I'm with Cami it's not some act." I say and give him a wide smile just to annoy him even more.

He opens his mouth to say something back but Cami comes up by my side with wide eyes. "Travis is there anymore ice?" She asks innocently, not knowing what we were just discussing.

"Come with me, I'll get you some." He says and sets down his beer on the counter before leading her toward the fridge. I look over at her beer and lift it to see that it is still decently full. I take a deep breath and look around to make sure nobody is looking and quickly take the roofie out of my pocket and drop it in. This is definitely the craziest thing I have ever done, but I'll do anything to make sure Madelaine is safe and happy so this is the best option I could think of. I take a step back and try to look as casual as possible before looking toward the living room and spot Madelaine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and before I can stop myself, my legs are pulling me toward here.

She's talking to a guy I don't recognize but when I come into view confusion and surprise are plastered across her face.

"Hey sorry to interrupt but could I steal Madelaine for a second?" I give him a polite smile as he nods his head and turns to talk to somebody else who I also don't recognize.

"Vanessa what are you doing here? Does Travis know that you're here?" She asks clearly concerned, but she looks so perfect tonight it's hard to comprehend the questions as I sweep her body head to toe. She has on a short jean skirt and white tube top with her hair straightened and the amount of skin showing makes me blush.

"Yeah he let me in, I came with Cami and he seemed fine with it." I give her a smile as one slowly spreads across her face and it makes my stomach flip. I can't be falling in love already but it sure feels like it. "You look beautiful tonight by the way." I say to her and grab her hand and squeeze it before letting go so nobody notices. She blushes and rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. But before she can respond Cami comes up and snakes an arm around my waist.

"Hey you two!" She gives us a lazy smile and I can tell she's already tipsey and once again, confusion spreads across Madelaine's face as she looks at her arm around me. But I'm too focused on seeing what Travis is doing. He's stumbling across the room in the kitchen and I can tell the roofie is in him so I quickly excuse myself and let them catch up even though Cami just going to tell her that we're each others dates for the night but right now that concern can wait. I walk up to a drunk blond dancing and grab her arm to get her attention.

"Hey would you like to get with Travis for the night? He just told me he's waiting for you in his room and needs you." I tell her and she just smiles and nods before following me toward their bedroom. I sit her down on the bed before telling her I'll be right back to get Travis even though I told her he was waiting, oops.

I find Travis drinking another beer and come up to him. "Hey there's something in your room I need to show you, it's important." He looks at me with lazy eyes and sputters an okay before following me. I really hope this plan works because right now it's not looking too good. I open the door and find the blond already half undressed and Travis smiles before walking toward her. I shut the door and look for Madelaine and Cami and find them talking in the same spot I left them.

"Madelaine I just saw Travis walk into your room with some blond girl and they both look really drunk." I tell her with urgency in my voice. She follows me down the hall and when she opens the door the blond is on top of Travis, both of them in their underwear and when he looks up you can already see a hickey forming on his neck. Madelaine stands there wide eyed as several people come over and see what we're looking at.

Hey guyssssss I finally put a new chapter out, I'm so bad at updating I'm sorry. I tried to make this chapter decently long and filled with drama but I feel like its kind of all over the place but oh well. Hope you guys enjoy and vote on it!!

Unbreakable (Madnessa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن