Chapter 10: Tired of being unhappy

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                                                                                                                   Madelaine's POV
When will this nightmare end? Travis has completely lost it and now he's forcing me to mary him by threatening me. Before he took me to dinner and proposed, he told me about his plan. He had talked to my family and told them a bunch of lies, saying I'm ready to be married and that we're really hapy and in love. But it's the complete opposite, he's forcing me to stay away from Vanessa, he threatened me saying that if I didn't say yes to his, that he would go after. He said he didn't care what it takes, he just doesn't want me near her. And that's all I want right now, is for to come save me so I can be with her. Fuck it, Travis is gone right now so why not go see her? I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts down to Vanessa's name.

"Hopefully she answers." I say aloud even though nobody is home.

"Hello?" She answers after a few rings, sounding like she just woke up.

"Hey, can I come over? Please?" I try not to sound too desperate but I know she'll be able to tell by the tone in my voice.

"Yeah, sure. I just woke up so I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick."

I hear her sigh and wonder if she even wants to see me. "Okay I'll be over in a few." I say and hang up, grab my keys and head out the door. On the way over, I begin to think of what I want to say to her. I know she saw what Travis put on his snapchat and I just need to explain and hopefully she believes me and will want to help. Because once this is over, I'm finally going to tell her how I feel. I'm tired of being unhappy, Vanessa is my light to pull me out of this darkness, she's all I need and I'm ready. I just don't want to put her life in danger because who knows what Travis is capable of. I don't even want to know how he would react if he knew I was heading over to Vanessa's right now.

Once I get to her apartment, I pull into the parking garage and look into my side mirror to make sure my hair looks somewhat decent. I threw it up in a messy bun before leaving and didn't even bother putting on makeup. I walk up the stairs to her apartment and before I even get the chance to knock, she opens the door.

"Hey are you okay?" She looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

I can tell she just got out of the shower, her hair is soaking wet and she has on an oversized army green hoodie and possibly shorts underneath, but I can't tell.

"I have a lot I need to tell you." I say to her as I walk inside and she shuts the door behind me. I go and sit on the couch and she walks over to sit next to me. She looks so cute after her shower, and the green on her hoodie makes her look tanner than usual. I take a deep breath and notice her looking down at the engagement ring on my finger.

"Look, I know you saw that Travis proposed, it's everywhere. But it's not what it looks like." I take another deep breath before continuing and she looks at me while patiently waiting. "He called my family a few days proposing and asked them for their blessing and of course they gave it to him. And before taking me out to dinner, he said that if I didn't agree and act like everything is fine, he would-" My voice cracks and tears begin to fill my eyes. I look away from her and turn my vision toward the floor. She grabs my hand and with her other hand, cups the side of my face and gently turns it to face her. She's looking at me with her soft brown eyes and her eyebrows are drawn in concern. Honestly, I would rather kiss her right now than explain this.

"Hey it's okay, you can tell me. What did he say to you?" She uses her thumb to wipe the tears folling down my cheek.

"He threatened to kill you if I continued to see you, even just as friends! He told me that I belong to him now." I close my eyes and lean back into the couch, letting the tears fall. She lets go of my hand and I feel the couch shift as she gets up. I open my eyes and see her looking around her kitchen for something. She comes back to where I'm sitting on the couch with a box of tissues.

"Thank you." I tell her and grab one out of the box.

"Madelaine, I care about you more than anything in this world. And I'm here for you okay? You're not going to go through this alone. We're going to figure this out together and get you out of this mess. Travis isn't going to do anything to you or to me. I promise." She leans over and pulls me in or a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around me. I bury my face in her hair, and breath in the familiar scent of coconuts. But all too soon the moment is interrupted when my phone starts ringing. Unfourtunately, she pulls back and I grab my phone to see Travis's name on the screen.

"Hello?" I try and sound as cheerful as possible, hoping he's not mad I'm gone.

"Where the hell are you? I've been home for like 15 minutes now and you didn't even bother to tell me you left? Madelaine I swear to God, if you"re with her right now!" I look over at Vanessa and see anger in her eyes from hearing him raise his voice at me.

"I'm not, I went to grab something to eat, I'm sorry I'm coming home right now." I quickly respond back and hear him hang up without even a response. I sigh and get up to head toward the door, but she grabs my hand before I can make it over there.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, I'm going to figure something out tonight and get you out of this. You deserve to be happy and I hate seeing you like this" She pulls me in for one last hug and we stand there, holding each other tightly, before I pull away. I give her one last smile before opening the door to leave.


Finally I updated! I'm sorry for saying I was going to update sooner like a month ago, just can never find the time. Thank you for staying patient though! I hope you all enjoy this chapter, sorry for not making it longer :( but if you enjoy it, please favorite it! and follow me if you haven't already :)

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