Chapter 2: I Could Stay Like This Forever

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Madelaine's pov

"Good morninggg!" I chirp to Vanessa as I open the blinds to let in the morning sunlight. It's only 8 and I feel bad for waking her up but if I let her sleep in, I know she will mope all day. "Ugh, why can't we just lay around and watch Netflix today?" She groggily responds and slowly gets up to stretch. "Because, you're going to go through this breakup positively to prove to Michael that you don't need him, now go get ready." I hate to be so demanding but I just can't wait to show her her surprise. She can hate me now but she definitely won't later. Since I've been up for about an hour I already got dressed. I decided to go with ripped jeans that nicely hug my thighs, a white crop top with navy blue horizontal stripes running across it and finished the look with my pair of white high top converse. I ended up keeping my hair down in its natural waves and did a simple make-up look. I know Vanessa takes forever to get ready so the least I can do is go make her some coffee so she isn't cranky all day. 

About an hour and a half later she finally comes strolling in to the kitchen. "Is this for me?" She says pointing to the cup I poured for her which is probably ice cold now. "Yeah but it's probably cold, I'll make you more." I get up from the couch in the living room and walk into the kitchen and begin to dump out the rest of the pot but she grabs my hand and stops me. "No it's fine, I'll drink it. Thanks for making it." She gives me a tired small and lets go of my hand, which almost disappoints me. "So, what are you waiting for? Take me to my surprise." She says and then opens the front door and walks out. 

When I finally catch up to her she's already waiting at my jeep. "Geez, could you take any longer?" She says while giving me an exaggerated eye roll. I just shake my head laughing because I know she wasn't waiting long. She may have gotten a head start but I know her legs aren't long enough to walk that fast. I unlock the doors and slide into the cool black leather seat. "You look good today." I say to her while looking her up and down. She went with a pair of high waisted denim shorts, a black tube top and paired it with her all white balenciagas. She went with a natural makeup look as well and her hair is in loose curls tumbling down her back. I swear, she can wear anything and still look good.  "I always look good, but thank you, you do too." She responds with a small smile playing on her lips. I turn on the engine and pull out of the parking lot of my apartment complex. 

"So where has Travis been?" She says as she turns in her seat to look at me."He went out of town to spend time with his family. He actually just left yesterday before you came. I was planning on going with him but when you texted me I knew something was wrong, so I stayed here to be with you." When I look over at her, her mouth is hanging open and her eyes are wide. "Mads no. Why would you do that? You could have went with him! I would ha-" I shake my head and cut her off mid sentence "I didn't have to stay, but I wanted to. I wanted to stay here and help you and take care of you. What kind of best friend would I be if I just let you cry yourself to sleep every night because of this break up?" She leans over and gives me a kiss on top of my head. "Thank you Mads, seriously you are the best." I smile to myself while she leans back over and begins to look out the window. 

After about 45 minutes of driving we finally reach the narrow dirt road and turn on to it. "Ohhh I know where were going!" I look over and see her start to pull out her phone to get on Snapchat. Once we reach the end of the dirt road, I stop and turn off the engine. "Come on." I tell her and open the door to the backseat. I grab the picnic basket and then shut the door. I walk over to her side and see her smiling from ear to ear while she has her phone pointed straight towards me. "Aww you guys look at how sweet she is!" She exclaims into the phone for all of the fans. After she stops the video I look over and see her write the caption "All a girl could ever ask for" and slides her phone into her back pocket.

 We begin walking the rest of the path until we reach the H in the Hollywood sign. I set down the basket and take a blanket out for us to sit on. "I still can't believe you're doing this for me Mads." She says to me as she sits down on one side of the blanket. "Anything for you. I care about you and always want to make sure you're happy." I smile at her and begin to take out what I packed. I brought strawberries, toast with avocado and two vegan muffins. "Wow, this looks great." She says to me as she begins stuffing her mouth with one of the muffins. "So, are you starting to feel a little bit better? I mean this is just the intro of the main surprise, but does this help in the slightest way?" I stop eating my toast and look over at her expectantly. "Yeah this does, definitely." She smiles and then reaches over and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around her and smile to myself while looking out across the city. She keeps her arms around me for a couple more minutes and when she pulls away I realize she's crying. "Hey what's wrong?" I cup my hands around her face and use my thumb to wipe away her tears. "I'm sorry, its just with everything that's happened this weekend and then this. Just, there's so many different emotions flowing through me all I feel like doing is crying and letting it all out." She finishes wiping away the rest of her tears and stands up holding her hand out gesturing for me to take it. I grab her hand and she helps pull me up. "Come on, take me to my next surprise." 

We finish packing everything up and head back to the car. "I think you're really going to like what I have planned next." I tell her as I pull out onto the street. I decided to take her mini-golfing and then laser tag after since I know those are two of her favorite things to do. "Well it better top the breakfast we just had because that was perfect." She says and lays her head back looking out the window. She's quiet for the rest of the ride until we pull up to Glow Zone and realization of what we're doing hits. "Oh my God, no way!" We're really doing this aren't we?" She then quickly opens up her door and slides out of the seat. I quickly out of my seat as well and jog to the door to catch up to her. 

Inside, Love Lies by Khalid and Normani drifts through the building and I immediately like the vibe of the place. Straight ahead is a short blonde-haired boy who looks about 16. Once he notices us he begins to walk over. "Hi ladies, I'm Timmy, how may I help you today?" He gives us a tooth bearing grin and looks back and forth between the two of us. "Hi I'd like to buy the laser tag and mini golf package please." I tell him and look over to Vanessa to see her attempting to contain her excitement. "Alright right this way, will you be paying cash or card?" He then leads us to a small room with a desk that contains a register and a calendar spread across the length of it. The room is painted a cute teal color with nothing on the walls except for a clock on the wall behind the desk. "I will be paying with card." I say to him and hand my card over so he can swipe it. "Okay you guys are all set, there is a mini golf course out back and one inside as well and the laser tag area is just to the left once you walk out of this room." He gives us another big smile and we thank him and proceed to the laser tag area. 

The room is filled with all kinds of props, barrels, doors, and small walls are placed throughout the area. There is a fake bar with a counter and multiple stools slid underneath it and fake bottles sit on top of the counter. We grab our vests and slide them on then we go grab a gun off the wall. "Alright, are you ready to get your ass kicked?" I ask her as I begin walking to find a good place to set up. "Oh it's on, but just letting you know now, I'm kind of a pro a this." She tells me and then disappears behind a wall that's been set up. Once I find a good place to hide, a large timer begins counting down from 5 to the left of me. After the timer strikes zero I immediately move from my hiding place and run over to a barrel near the middle of the battle field. I see a flash of brown hair appear by the bar and quietly stalk over to a door right near the the counter. I wait for about 30 seconds before turning right in front of her and shooting her twice in the chest. "Oh looks like you're not such a pro at this after all." I grin at her as she gives me a look of disappointment. "Well don't get too confident, the game isn't over yet." And with a small smirk she turns around and begins to get ready for the next round.

After another hour of playing, we decide to call it quits and I end up losing to her by just one point. We head outside to get some fresh air and sit at a bench right by the mini golf course. "Today has been so great, seriously Mads I don't know how you do it. I already feel ten times better." I wrap my arm around her and smile at her. "Well I'm just glad you feel better and if I'm the reason for your happiness then that's even better." She leans her head against my shoulder and closes her eyes. Screw the mini golf, I could stay like this forever. 

Sorry for the late update everybody! Hope this makes up for it!

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