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Madelaines pov

Tears filled my eyes as I saw Travis with another girl, quickly pushing my way past the formed crowd I ran out the door as fast as I could to get some air. This is pathetic I thought, being coerced into marrying him and then he does that! I run my hands through my hair when i hear the door open, and see Vanessa come out.

"Hey, are you okay? I mean of course your not that's a dumb question, but I just wanted to check on you." she said and looked apologetic, like she was the one who did something.

"I've been better that's for sure. Just trying to wrap my head around it all I guess." I looked down at the ground, not meeting her eyes.

I hear her quietly sigh before eyeing me intently, this time I meet her eyes and give her a sad smile.

"Come on, let's get these people out of your apartment and I'll help clean up." She said and then grabbed my hand and led me back inside.

After telling everyone it was time to go we began to throw away all of the half full cups and trash lying around, even Cami stayed to help. I knew Travis was still in the bedroom but I didn't even want to see him, I just wanted him gone. At least the mishap gives me a chance to get out of the twisted engagement with him.

Once we finished cleaning up, I said goodbye to Cami and was left alone with just Vanessa who was just looking at me again.

"You know your staring right?" I heard her laugh quietly when she knew she was busted.

"I'm sorry it's just that sometimes I can't help it, your too beautiful." I blushed at the compliment and bit my lip. She always makes me feel so good about myself, even after what happened tonight she still put a smile on my face.

"Since Travis is here, I was wondering if I could stay the night at your place tonight?" I asked her quietly and saw a smile form on her lips which already gave me my answer.

"Of course you can." She said and with that we left to go to her place.

Arriving at her apartment made me more nervous than before and I wasn't sure why, maybe it was her being more affectionate tonight but she was giving me butterflies every time she looked at me with her brown eyes.

"Okay well I'll take the couch and you can sleep in my bed." She said before continuing to look for an extra blanket.

"We can share the bed, it's big enough right? It's not like we aren't best friends." I smirked at her and made my way into the bedroom, quickly changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before climbing into bed. My heart was beating uncontrollably when she came in a few minutes later and laid down next to me and turned to face me. We both just looked at each other, before I looked down at her mouth and then back to her eyes again. They looked so tempting and I just couldn't resist anymore. I leaned in kissed her lightly, just barely putting any pressure before I felt her respond back by adding more pressure and putting her hand on my face to pull me closer. Kissing her felt different than kissing Travis. It felt right and so perfect, like our lips were made for each other's in a sense.

I pulled back slightly to look at her and smiled before leaning back in. This time she let me deepen the kiss by allowing me to let my tongue inside her mouth, which she then sucked on the tip of it. After a few minutes of making out she began kissing me with more passion than before, so I decided to pull back before things could get out of hand.

"Who knew your were such a good kisser," she smirked at me and that made me smile.

"What can I say, I've had practice. I mean I had to be prepared for something like this right?" I responded and she tilted her head back to laugh.

"Well I think I'm going to need some more practice, maybe you can show me some other thing sometime." She bit her lip and to be honest, I knew she wanted me to show her right now but I just have too many things going on, my mind isn't in the right place.

"Yeah, maybe." I smiled at her and with that I turned over and tried to fall into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning, I woke up before Vanessa and decided to head back to my apartment to deal with Travis which I was not looking forward too. Entering the apartment I went into the kitchen and saw him standing there with a cup of coffee.

"Here." I said and tossed him the engagement ring. I was glad he was going to be leaving and out of my life, it was his own mistake.

"Also, I want you out today, so whenever you get around for the day please pack your things and just go." I said quietly, I wasn't trying to spark an argument, I didn't have the energy for it.

"Yeah yeah enjoy your life with Vanessa, you know you may think you know everything about her but you don't. She isn't as innocent as she seems, why do you think I didn't want you around her. She was the one who roofied me. I'm not dumb Madelaine and it's not like she planned it that well either." He scoffed and then left the room leaving me dumbfounded.

She wouldn't have done that would she? I know she hated Travis and wanted to do something to help me out of the engagement but that seems a little extreme doesn't it? I shook my head and decided to just go take a shower and go for a walk, I needed to clear my head.

Hey folks I finally updated, it feels good.

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