Chapter 8: I'm Not The One Fighting Back My Feelings

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Madelaine's pov:

I hang up the phone before she can even respond. "What are you doing here?" I stare at Travis is astonishment while he smirks at me through the doorway of my apartment. "Obviously to accompany you to Lili's. She invited me." He shrugs and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I thought you were mad at me?"

 I throw him a questioning look. "Oh trust me I am, I'm just here to make sure you stay away from Vanessa." He walks in and plops down on the couch. "Are you serious right now? How are you just going to show up out of nowhere and start telling me who I can and can't talk to?" I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows, waiting for his response. 

"Oh my God Madelaine calm down, you know I'm just messing. Take a joke." He rolls his eyes before continuing. "Now are you ready to go or not?" He says he's just joking but I know he's serious.

 He can't stand Vanessa because he knows that she has feelings for me. I don't blame him for being jealous either, because he's right, she does have feelings for me. "Yeah, lets go." I tell him, already on my way to the door. 

When we get to Lil's, the apartment is packed. I lean over to whisper in Travis's ear. "I thought this was a hangout not a party." He looks over at me and shakes his head. He walks over to the kitchen to grab a drink. I look around at the throng of people talking and laughing, until my eye catches two pople talking in the corner. 

Vanessa is talking to Michael and she seems to be having a good time because she suddenly starts laughing at something he just said. Since when does Vanessa talk to Michael again? I feel a hand on my arm all of a sudden and look over to find Lili next  to me. "Hey Mads, did you just get here?" She says before taking a sip of her drink. "Yeah just a few minutes ago. Hey did you invite Michael or did he come with Vanessa?"

 I ask while keeping my eyes on Vanessa. "Oh, he came with her. I thought they broke up though?" She throws me a questioning. "Yeah so did I." I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Well good for them. Hey where's Travis, I made sure to invite him?" She looks around the room for him. Without even waiting for my response, she begins walking toward the couch where he's seated net to a gorgeous woman I've never seen before.

 I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen for a drink. This night is not going how I planned so I may as well get some alcohol to help. After pouring myself a drink I look around the room for any other familiar faces but don't spot any. I spot a small hallway to the left and head towards it. It's a short hallway with two doors on the left and one door on the right. I open up the first door on the left and flip on the light switch. Inside, there is a small bed sitting in the middle with a desk against the right wall-a tv sits above it.

 I walk over to the bed and take a seat. After a few minutes of scrolling through my phone, I hear a knock on the door and look up to find Vanessa in the doorway. "Hey." She gives me a smile and leans against the door frame. "Hey." I respond back. "So you and Travis huh?" She says and points her head in the direction of the party.

 "What about you and Michael?" I question her. "Mads I'm not with him if that's what you're implying. He texted me saying that he was in town so I asked if he wanted to come with me. He apologized and now we're good. I'm not the one in a relationship like you are. I'm not the one fighting back my feelings." 

She lets out a deep breath and crosses her arms. "Vanessa I don't know what I want okay? Right now I feel like I have nobody and my feelings are all over the place." I look up at her and see her brows furrowed. "See that's the thing. You're not confused, you know exactly what you want. You're just scared so you push me away." I begin to feel the tears start to well in my eyes. She knows she's right too. 

"What the hell is going on in here?" Travis suddenly appears in the doorway and looks between Vanessa and I. He sees the tears in my eyes and walks over to me. "She did this to you?" He says and points at Vanessa.

 Vanessa scoffs before speaking up "No I didn't do this to her, she did it to herself. She's the one causing herself to be unhappy." She says raising her voice before turning around and walking out. "See that's the exact reason why I wanted to be here tonight. So she wouldn't talk to you." He stands up, shaking his head. 

"Okay Travis, yeah she talked to me, so what?" The tears are streaming down my face now. This night just went from worse to terrible. I wish everything would just go back to normal.

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