Shooting Pt. 2

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Santana is with her as much as she can and the glee kids show up as much as they can especially Quinn. One day when she is sitting with Brittany she suddenly starts to code.

"Britt! Doctor!" Santana yells loudly. The doctor runs in and a nurse pushes her out. She starts to cry in a chair in the waiting room. Quinn comes in but gasps when she sees her.

"San! What happened?!" Quinn asks with fear. "S..She started to code." Santana says softly as she keeps crying. Quinn gasps and hugs her as tears go down her face as well.

Soon enough the rest of the glee kids join but are sad to find out what had happened to Brittany. They sit for possibly hours before the doctor finally comes out.

"Brittany S. Pierce." The doctor says and they stand. "I'm afraid that if she codes again we will be unable to revive her, her heart is becoming too weak." The doctor says.

Santana starts to cry again and Quinn holds her, crying as well. The rest of the glee kids are either sad or crying a little bit as well.  They go in to her room and surround her bed.

She still lays limp but seems to be more pale than before. They stay with her for hours before her heart monitor gets slower. Santana and Quinn cry even more when it happens.

They say their goodbyes and leave Santana alone with her. Santana lays down next to Brittany but is careful with the wires and tubes on the bed.

"Britt, I love you and i'm sorry we haven't been together long enough because I was insecure about people knowing i'm lesbian, it's ok to go Britt..I'll love you forever." Santana says.

The monitor flatlines and she starts to cry on to Brittany's body. The doctor comes in and turns off the monitor. "Time of death, 3:35 PM." The doctor says and leaves.

She continues to cry on her body before she eventually does calm down. She leaves the room and they all share a cry together but when they calm they all leave.

They have a funeral for her not long later and everyone in the glee club along with her family even Sue Sylvester came to the funeral and everyone even Sue cried..

Brittana One Shots [Editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt