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Dark like oncoming storms, the rain in the mist and the lighting revealing patches of blankness. The eye cannot contain the immensity of the black; it makes the world stretch out to forever and seemingly compressed places.

Dark like stars in the middle of unknown galaxies, the light never reaching us, or if it does, it’s the faint glow of the moon. That soft touch is not enough to put at bay the creeping shadows.

Dark like chocolate skin, the African way. Pools of ebony that flow and swirl over frames tall and gaunt. Shining obsidian eyes that plead to escape the darkness. Tattoos of rituals and protection. Black.

Dark like the embrace of midnight in a lover’s arms. Dark like swirling untold shadows of an illuminator’s workshop. Fireworks shown for their brilliance in the space between. Distinction from the dark.

Dark. The soft folds of hollows in hills. Crevices in mountains. Caves, the underbelly of the earth.

Dark, touching lips in mockery of truth. Dark, the shadow cast by immense light. Dark, where there is not…and all.

mid night poetry( part 1)Where stories live. Discover now