Backstories/Kinda Random Important Info:

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Author's Note:

First of all, I'm not sure where I stand with smut. Don't send me smut requests until I decide whether or not I'm doing that, please! Until then I probably won't write it.

Speaking of, I take requests!

No suicide things. Self harm will probably come up but I will most likely not write suicide related anything. Trigger warnings will be posted.

I'm about to start school so I don't know how often I will have time to write and edit!

Some of these are my ideas and some are from the movie/musical so please ask me if you want to use an idea that isn't from the movie/show <3

Janis's Backstory (She has more because we don't know any from the movie/show!):

Anxiety- Janis was in a car crash when she was 9 years old, with her mom driving and her older sister Julie (who was 13 at the time) in the passenger seat. Her mother had just been fired from her job as a taxi driver in Chicago because she had been caught drunk driving and with many bottles of assorted alcohol under the seats of her cab. She had stormed home in a rage and screamed at the girls to get in her car so that she could show them that "I am a capable and hard worker and I can drive no matter what!" A terrified Janis was used to seeing her mother drinking but never so angry. Her mother started up the car and drove around Evanston, skipping red lights and randomly picking up speed before slowing down again. She drove onto the highway and was going so fast that Janis's heart started to flutter. Julie patted her leg from the front and said, "It's okay Jan. You'll be alright." Just then, their mom randomly swerved into another lane and they were struck by a van. Janis screamed as they were thrown to the side of the highway and into a thicket of trees. Janis heard glass breaking and crunching metal as they came to a stop under a large oak tree. The last thing she felt before she went unconscious was a terrible searing pain at her elbow. Her mother and sister were killed, and she was left with her dad in a small house. In the following years, she struggled with cars, highways, and alcohol. She developed so much anxiety around those three things and it began to spread to other parts of her life. Her elbow was permanently malformed and she has a large scar on it where surgeons attempted to fix her tendons. She can't fully straighten that arm to this day. 

Her Jacket- she used to wear a jacket every day to cover her mangled elbow after the car crash, but now, at 15, she wears it to cover self harm scars caused by uncontrollable grief at the loss of her sister as well as to feel something when she can't understand why she lives or when she has too much anxiety to healthily cope with. The jacket was her dad's, but she got paint all over it one day when she was wearing it as a smock and he has allowed her to have it ever since. 

Janis's dad- Mr. Sarkisian was always more of a passive man, an artist who married a struggling actress after they met after one of her improv shows. His wife started drinking after she continuously was struggling to find work and he ignored it while attempting to offer comfort so that he could focus on selling his paintings and photography to support the family. He's the one who inspired Janis to start painting. 

Her love for art- After the car crash, Janis's dad began to notice her lack of interest in things and decided to let her into his studio for the first time. She has loved to paint on anything and everything since then. Her and her dad both sell artwork to keep themselves going.

Bullying- We all know the "space dyke" story and I will elaborate on bullying (probably) throughout the oneshots. 

LGBT+- Janis is a lesbian. She realized when she was 13 but denied it out of fear of what people would think of her. She suffers from internalized homophobia due to what she has seen people do to Damian and she has not yet told her dad (but I may write that oneshot!).

Cady's Backstory:

Africa- She moved there when she was three and stayed for 12 years before returning to the US. If you're a Mean Girls fan you kinda know this part so I'll skip it!

Purity- Cady seems untouched in a way due to growing up in Africa. She knows nothing about self harm or most mental issues at this point in the book and she has had a very carefree life. This helps her share Janis's various burdens and stay positive.

Math- Cady LOVES calculus. Her parents weren't always around so she would be alone for sometimes multiple days at a time while they were helping kids and dealing with diseases, so she turned to their various math books stored in their tent for entertainment. 

LGBT+- Cady didn't know anything about love and sexuality besides that her parents were married. While in africa she met both a boy and a girl who she had crushes on, and when she asked her parents about liking girls, they told her that it wasn't something for her to worry about. When she got an iPhone and computer in America, she looked it up and realized that she was bisexual but hasn't told her parents (I might also write this oneshot!).

Janis x Cady Things:

Janis calls Cady either "Caddie," "peanut," (as a joke because she is 5'9" while Janis stands at 5'4") or the occasional "baby" or "love" but only in a romantic or extreme situation, while Cady calls her "Jan" (like her older sister did), "babe," or "wifey" as a joke.

Janis argues that she should be little spoon because she is shorter. Cady disagrees. They take turns.

Janis is older than Cady by a few months and therefore could drive first (they are currently 17) She teases Cady, but Cady retorts with a joke about Janis's hight and no more is said.

Cady loves to cook and bake. Janis can do neither of those things and once accidentally set dinner on fire and burnt down part of Cady's parents' kitchen. They forgive her.

Janis hates nature and going outside but Cady drags her on hikes. Janis won't admit that she enjoys that a little bit.

Janis doesn't cut as much anymore but she still has a breaking point and it doesn't take a lot to get there.

Cady wants to live in New York. Janis says that she will go with her but is secretly scared of big cities.

Janis has never been to the beach. My first oneshot will be Cady taking her!

Janis curses a lot, which has rubbed off on Cady.

Cady takes ballet lessons. She took Janis to one and let's just say Janis never went again.

Enjoy, and sorry that this was a lot! It may get added to. 

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now