I'll Be Here as Long as You Need

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Request- Janis wakes up really sick but she doesn't want Cady to figure it out and worry about her so she spends the whole day desperately trying to pretend she's fine (ducking into bathrooms/being sly and bribing people not to say anything) and then when Cady figures it out it's all fluffy. Yesssss @jeffersonsmacaroni7


Janis sits up, startled.

"Fuck," she whispers as she feels her mouth fill with saliva and the back of her throat burn with bile. She throws the bedsheets aside and makes it to the bathroom just in time, vomiting last night's dinner into the toilet. She reaches into the medicine cabinet for a thermometer but is forced back down by the bile in her throat, gagging. She flushes the toilet and stands up, her legs shaking. The girl in the mirror has vomit in her hair and pale skin. Janis ignores her first instinct to call Cady, knowing that she has a calculus test and a huge mathletes competition after school. Janis doesn't want Cady to focus on her rather than her math work. So Janis washes her hair off in the sink and swallows two advil pills for the pounding headache she's developed. She gets dressed, grabbing her backpack and slipping out the door without a second thought. If she stays home, Cady will come get her. Walk slowly, she reminds herself. Janis finds some blush in one pocket of her jacket and a brush in another, applying some to her cheeks to make herself look alive.

"Jan!" Cady exclaims, jogging over to Janis and pulling her into a hug. Don't vomit on her don't do it Janis, Janis screams to herself. She survives the hug and is being pulled towards Damian. Her vision is fuzzy, but she has to make sure that Cady is focused. She smiles the best she can muster.

"Hi Damian!" she croaks, coughing. "Hah sorry, something in my throat. Hi guys!" Janis bites her lip. Cady cocks her head.

"You're acting weird," Cady says, stroking Janis's cheek.

"I... I'm tired. I stayed up late watching Heathers?" Janis says. Must be a believable lie because Cady shrugs her shoulders and the bell rings.


I've made it through first period okay. What ne- Janis interrupts her thoughts by running into the bathroom and proceeding to puke her guts out in the last stall. She sits up and closes the bathroom door, wincing when she sees someone walking towards her through the crack.

"Hi Karen," she mumbles, her voice dripping with misery. Screw Cady not knowing, the whole school will know in about five minutes.

"I didn't film it," Karen attempts to speak while reapplying lip gloss. She sounds like a goat. Janis tries as hard as she can not to laugh.

"Thank you Karen. Don't tell anyone either, please," Janis pleads.

"I didn't see a thing," Karen turns up the corners of her lips in an 'I tolerate your existence' smile and trots off to class. Janis shuts the stall and slumps against the door, unable to believe her luck. Cady isn't in any of her classes until lunch so Janis curls up on the floor and cries lightly, using her backpack as a pillow. She falls asleep in minutes.


Janis blinks open her eyes, which are crusted over. She wipes them off, and she realizes that the dull ache in her stomach from when she fell asleep has raged a war inside her. She sits up and vomits again into the toilet. Checking her watch, she pulls on her backpack and stands up slowly, steadying herself against the walls of the tiny stall before taking wobbly steps the the cafeteria. If she doesn't show up, Cady will come looking for her and offer to stay with her. If Cady skips class on a mathletes day, she won't be allowed to go. So Janis keeps stumbling to the cafeteria. When she arrives, Cady is at the table, frantically scribbling in a scarily large textbook.

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now