You Plus Oven Equals Disaster (Part 2)

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Fluff + Steamy makeout. A little dirty but that's what we live for. TW for implied smut. I honestly don't know how this will turn out because I have no idea what I'm gonna write besides the middle but we'll see!


Cady stands behind Janis, helping her mix the batter, an open bag of family size doritos laying on the counter beside them. They hop around the candle-lit kitchen, making eachother laugh. That being said, it takes the two forever to get the cookie dough done.

"One and a half cups of sugar?" Janis asks Cady, her swirly brown eyes looking into Cady's as they shine with excitement.

"Read the book!" Cady replies, poking Janis in the stomach so that sugar spills all over the floor.

"Stoooop!" Janis whines, grabbing a broom and dustpan from the open pantry and sweeping the sugar into one pile as Cady measures out another one and a half cups of sugar and pours it into the bowl. Janis whacks the back of Cady's knees with the now empty dustpan, making Cady's knees fly forward and she almost tumbles to the ground. She squeals.

"Janisssss! This won't get done if you keep messing around," Cady giggles.

"ME?! I'm not the one who got sugar all over the floor," Cady raises her eyebrows. "Well technically it was me but it was your fault," Janis smiles up at Cady.

"Get off the floor and help me whisk this," Cady teases, offering Janis a hand and passing her the whisk. Janis awkwardly attempts to stir the batter.

"Jan! Tilt the whisk so that you get all of the flour mixed in off of the side. Straight won't work," Cady laughs, pressing up against Janis and putting her hand on the whisk on top of Janis's.

"You're right, straight won't work," Janis repeats in a low tone, moving the whisk diagonally as she pushes her hips back into Cady, arching her back and leaning her head back onto Cady's shoulder. Cady bites her lip to repress the little moan that wants to escape her lips. Janis pulls slightly away from Janis. "After the cookies, love," Janis says with a smile, mocking Cady's rush. They continue making the batter mostly in silence, the candle-lit mood massively turning Cady on while she whispers occasional directions to Janis.

"Okay, they're far enough apart. Into the oven," Cady murmurs. Cady pulls open the oven as Janis slides the tray inside. Cady turns around to set a timer and when she turns back to her girlfriend, Janis has shed her jacket and placed it atop the kitchen island.

"After the cookies my ass," Janis says, pulling Cady into her and pushing their lips together, beginning the release of 30 minutes of built up lust.

"It took us so long to make that batter I think any longer and I would've killed me," Cady breathes, keeping her eyes closed and tilting her head back. Janis says nothing, instead she takes the opportunity and brings her mouth to the side of Cady's neck. First gentle pecks of her lips as Janis slides one hand into Cady's wavy hair. Janis then forms a circle with her mouth and leaves marks that will last as her free hand goes behind Cady. She pulls slightly upward on Cady's tank top and Cady reciprocates by pulling Janis's tank top off in a swoop, allowing Janis to pull her own over her head. While they're at it, Janis slides out of her sweatpants and then her shorts, leaving on her fishnets, knowing how much Cady loves her legs. Cady smiles and bites her lip, overwhelmed by the beauty before her. Cady pushes Janis back into the counter and their lips lock together effortlessly, immediately allowing each other's tongues entrance. Janis's arms find themselves around Cady's neck as Cady allows her arms to explore Janis, making her moan. This drives Janis wild, who starts thrusting her hips into Cady. After barely a minute, it's Janis who pushes Cady off of her so that she can grab her arm, and the two rush to Cady's room. They allow the door to shut behind them and Cady instinctively locks it.

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now