Being A Rock Won't Do You Any Good

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Request: Janis is having a really bad day anxiety-wise and so Cady stays over at her house and then Janis has a really bad nightmare and Cady has to calm her down. Trigger warning for self harm/self harm flashbacks.


Janis's head is on her desk just 10 minutes into first period English. Cady knew something wasn't right with her girlfriend as soon as she walked into the door that morning but usually if Janis needs more sleep, she snuggles into Cady at lunch. Cady pokes her with the eraser on her mechanical pencil.

"Jan?" She whispers, poking her a little harder. "Jan! Get up, Mrs. Bowen is passing out a quiz!" Cady shakes Janis's arm. Janis wakes up and shakes her head, blinking twice before turning to Cady.

"Yep. Got it. Quiz on... quiz on... on some shit I probably didn't read last night like I was supposed to," Janis mumbles, grabbing the paper that the boy in front of her passes back.

"Jan, are you okay?! I mean I know you don't always do your homework but..." Cady's sentence trails off as Janis goes to the front of the room to get a bathroom pass after only scribbling her name and the date on her paper.


Cady puts her pen down and reads over her answers before noticing that Janis hasn't come back. Cady gathers her own binder and books before going to get Janis's, when she realizes that Janis just didn't bring anything. Not a single book.

"Hey Ms. Bowden, may I have the lavatory pass? I think Janis is sick," she asks worriedly.

"Of course. Are you bringing her stuff?" she replies.

"Uh... yeah," Cady mumbles the lie before taking off to the girls bathroom. "If I were a Janis, where would I hide?" Cady jokes to herself. She knows that Janis probably went to the girl's locker room bathroom. There would be no one else there. "Janis?" Cady calls into the white linoleum tiled entrance. There's no response and Cady can't see Janis in any stalls or tucked under a sink. Cady uses her gym locker to store her books and runs outside, pushing the heavy wooden door out of the way and dashing to the most iconic yet best makeout spot that she has with Janis. Under the bleachers. That's where she spots Janis, curled in a ball with her right arm outstretched, tapping on the metal stairs from below. Cady sits next to her and takes her arm from the bleachers and wraps it around her back. "In our makeout spot without me?" she teases.

"Stop it Caddie," Janis halfheartedly tries to sound angry and peels herself away from Cady.

"Jan, what's wrong? Are you anxious? You can tell me, I'll listen," Cady offers.

"No. You'll hate me. Stay the hell away from me!" Janis says as she takes off running, her small frame wiggling out of the bleachers in seconds. Janis is fast and Cady knows it.

"I guess it's best if I leave her alone for now," Cady mumbles to no one, hearing the bell signaling second period. "Shit. Math." she whispers under her breath, sprinting inside to grab her stuff from her gym locker and making her way to Mrs. Norbury's room.


Janis sits outside under a tree behind the school parking lot. She's alone with her thoughts, and honestly she'd rather be alone with Shane Oman than her thoughts.


"It'll be okay Jan,"

"I'm sorry sweetheart but you know we don't have the money for-"


"Wanna play cards Jan?"

"Want to paint-"

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now