I'm Janis Sarkisian and I Want to Have Sex With You Like Right Now

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Smut at the end. Didn't last long, did I?

Cady works at a zoo with the lions and Janis goes once with Damian, and then she sees Cady so she keeps going back just because of her.


"Janis! Look at those elephants!" Damian squeals, dragging Janis over to the majestic grey animals who are splashing around in some water. But Janis isn't looking at the animals, she's looking at The Girl.

"Uhhh yeah! Really cute," she softly whispers, her mind turning to mush. God, she's hot. The Girl flips her hair out of her face as she sets out the lion's food and it lands perfectly on her khaki vest, bouncing delicately behind her.

"Cute, Jan? THEY'RE MAJESTIC!" Damian's eyes widen as a baby elephant is released from the elephants' inside home.

"Hey Damian, the lions are being fed, why don't we look over there?" Janis suggests eagerly, wanting a closer look at The Girl.

"OH MY GOD THEIR MANES!" Damian yelps, over excited as usual. The two must be quite a sight, with Damian wearing a koala hat and a flannel and khaki shorts while Janis trails behind him, with her hair bleached halfway down and her mostly black outfit including chunky doc martens and floral fishnets. However, Janis has stopped thinking about that and now fully focuses on Her. She knows it sounds silly but something about this Girl, so beautiful but radiating so much character at the same time, just draws her in.

"Wow, gorgeous," Janis breathes, panning her eyes through the lion's enclosure to watch The Girl continue to lay out food and water and talk softly to the lions, who don't seem to mind her presence or even enjoy it.

"I know right! Amazing animals- wait. Jan, there's nothing over there. The lions are near the water!" Damian chuckles at her. "Are you okay?" his face suddenly laden with concern.

"Yeah I'm fine just having a little gay panic over here," Janis's eyes not moving from The Girl.

"Her? Oh Janis but we'll never see her again," Damian says with soft eyes and pursed lips looking at Janis as he spots The Girl. He pats her shoulder. "We're at the zoo, remember you goose?" Damian laughs at her but stops when she doesn't respond for a minute. She sighs.

"I know, that's why I'm looking at her now," Janis says, the feeling of a bubbling middle-school like crush turning bittersweet. "We should go, it's almost dinner anyways," Janis says. As the two walk towards the exit, Janis spots The Girl walking out as well, having changed into jeans and a t-shirt, but still wearing her zoo badge. "Be right back Damian!" Janis walks over to her, doubting herself and feeling all of the confidence in the world at the same time.


Cady tries to act natural when she switches her shift with Aaron Samuells. She just keeps her head down while handing over the keys and checklist to hide her bright red cheeks. She tries to pretend that the wildy gorgeous girl looking at her from outside the enclosure didn't make her tingle and have to bite her lip to keep from smiling. Once she changes into her normal clothes and is out into the middle of the zoo, she smiles like a lunatic until she realizes that she'll never see the girl and her black lipstick and little dimple and her weirdly hot floral fishnets. Until she does. She crashes right into her.

"Gah! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I'm really sorry I just saw you in a lion- er no, in the lion cage and they were- no wait YOU were feeding them and you just were- and I just- you- um... yeah I'm sorry I'm gay," Janis rambles on, horrifying herself more with every word she spews out. She expects Cady to wince or run or something but instead-

"Wow. You're even hotter close up," Cady whispers. "Did I say that out loud oh god I did no wait oh no I'm so sorry I have to leave I'll see you later by the way I'm bisexual goodbye," Cady, suddenly embarrassed and confused and hormone-filled, runs off as her face flushes bright red. "Shit- I never got your-" she whips around but the girl is gone. "-name. Her name or phone number Cady dammit you've ruined it!" she speedwalks out of the zoo to sulk in her car, angry at her own foolishness. "You're stupid with love Cady, pull yourself together!" she says to herself as she pulls her car out of the zoo parking lot. Her arm starts to hurt when she realizes that she's scraped it when the two collided, a reminder of the girl she's lost.

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now