Friday Bus Ride

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Hello weirdos. I FINALLY have a break from massive amounts of schoolwork. So my two best friends have been dating (yes I'm such a third wheel and yes they are gay as fuck) and now they both know about this book (??? shit some of it was based off them ???) so now we're just gonna go for it. This is a true story except with Janis and Cady which believe it or not (!!!) one of them asked me to write. Huh. Okay here we go.


Another wild day at school means another equally wild bus ride. Silly string, flying baby carrots, "In My Feelings" by Drake, loud screeching, you name it and it happens on the North Shore High buses. So it's no wonder that Cady absolutely had no idea what to do when she first started going to public school in America. Now she is a seasoned pro, getting on the bus as early as possible after the 2:30 bell and grabbing a two-seater, plunking her backpack down on her left for Janis and squishing herself against the wall to avoid any limbs that may fly her way as people shove their way towards the back. She wraps her scarf around her neck and waits for Janis.

"Hey peanut!" Janis says, swinging into the seat and simultaneously knocking both girls' backpacks to the floor. The bus rumbles to a start. "Mmm smell those bus fumes," Janis jokes, putting her knees against the back of the seat in front of her.

"You're in a good mood," Cady says, smiling warmly and kicking the backpacks back into the seat.

"No, I'm not. I'm just really fucking cold, and I'm trying to distract myself from how cold I am. Caddie, can you get high off of being cold?" Janis grumbles, her face morphing into confusion and bewilderment.

"Janis it's October so it's 50 degrees and you're still wearing just a tank top under your jacket, of course you're cold!" Cady exclaims, dodging the popcorn that someone flings towards her. "STOP IT- so yeah Janis do you want my scarf?" Cady yells in the general direction of the popcorn.

"Yeah, sure," Janis smiles, allowing Cady to wrap her scarf around her neck. Cady looks around, once, twice, she knows she's taking a risk here... she pecks Janis on the lips. A startled Janis's eyes widen and her breath sucks in. Cady grips the torn leather seat, waiting for the teasing or slurs to come... but they don't. "Stop smiling Caddie, that was risky!" Janis giggles, lightly shoving her girlfriend's shoulder.

"No," Cady replies simply, pulling Janis close and burying her head into the scarf Janis is now wearing. The roar of the bus is dulled by the sound of Janis's little laugh and the smell of her lavender shampoo, which is strong, but Cady totally loves it. Janis slides her arm around Cady's back and protectively squeezes her shoulder. They say nothing, basking in the silence of the rare lack of attention they've gotten for PDA.

"I'm still cold," Janis whines, breaking the bliss.

"God damn Jan, we were having a moment," Cady sighs, but she really can't help but laugh.

"Yeah yeah it was a great moment until I got COLD again," Janis says, sitting up.

"Oh just shut up," Cady replies, leaning back against the bus window and pulling Janis into her lap, their lips connecting. Janis pulls away within a second.

"Caddie what if someone..." her eyes dart around. "Is Regina on this bus?" She stiffens up and pushes herself backwards so hard that she almost falls into the aisle. Cady grabs Janis's hands.

"It's Friday. I'm sure everyone's too busy trying to provoke the bus driver with that stupid popcorn to pay any attention," Cady says, rolling her eyes as another piece of popcorn lands on her backpack. "If anyone says or does anything, just hold me. I'm here," Cady squeezes her hands and smiles, looking into Janis's eyes. Janis melts at her gaze and sighs.

"Your eyes Cady, wow I'm gay. What?" Janis squirms, blushing bright pink. "You never live life on the edge like this Caddie," Janis says, smirking and allowing herself to relax back into Cady.

"What? It's spooky season. Everyone's on the edge," Cady replies, moving her hands so that they hug Janis's waist towards her own. "Boo!" Janis rolls her eyes.

"No, it's 'spoopy' season Caddie, that's a thing I guess," Janis shrugs.

"What the hell does 'spoopy' mean?" Cady shakes her head.

"It's like spooky but cute?

"You're weird,"

"You know what just kiss me,"

"Gladly," Cady pulls Janis close and their lips connect, warmth tingling through their bodies. Janis's lavender scented hair falls into Cady's face, shielding the outside world from their kiss. Janis runs a hand through Cady's hair, the strawberry blonde locks slipping through her fingers as she pulls her closer. They seperate, exhaling slowly. "You warm now, Jan?" Cady asks.

"I don't know. Could be warmer," she laughs, pulling Cady back in for just one more taste of her soft lips and peach gloss before she gets off the bus. Janis pulls her backpack over one shoulder, the other arm still wrapped around Cady. "Bye love," she whispers, standing up and slowly slipping away.

"That wasn't even that long and she's managed to leave me breathless again," Cady exhales, grinning giddily. She sits up and pulls out her phone, clicking into the messages app.


miss me already? xo

Of course <3


You love me, art freak!

i do, mathlete

I have your scrunchie, btw. Smells like your shampoo ;)

i find it hot that you think my signature lavender scent is sexy 

Whatever Janis. I've gotta go <3

bye peanut <3

Cady leaves the bus, a giddy smile still plastered across her face.


Not bad I guess. Hope you all enjoy it and hopefully I'll be writing and posting more often! Especially if my friends keep telling me about their close encounters of the gay kind. 

Janis Sarkisian x Cady Heron OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now