Hot Topic or Bust

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Okay uh I wrote all of this in the car but wow sudden writing motivation is really fun! TW for homophobic slurs.


"Janis you need new shirts," Cady says, jumping onto her girlfriend's bed to see what she's painting closer.

"What do you mean? My shirts are just fine," Janis says, not breaking her focus on the series of flowers she is painting.

"You've been wearing the same three Panic! At the Disco shirts for the past few weeks," Cady chuckles.

"What's wrong with Panic! At the Disco," Janis replies, blushing.

"Nothing's wrong with Panic! At the Disco, but I want to be a cute couple and steal your clothes but I can't if there's nothing to steal!" Cady exclaims, coming up behind Janis and wrapping her arms over her shoulders and using her height as an advantage. "Please let me take you shopping," she pouts, burying her head in Janis's hair.

"Augh. Fine," Janis grumbles. 

"There's a really nice selection of shirts at Forever 21 that I saw last-" Cady rambles. The remnants of her being a plastic.

"Stop right there. No Forever 21,"

"Okay fine we can go to H&M-"

"No we cannot. Hot topic or bust," Janis says, setting down her paintbrush and turning towards Cady.

"Can we settle on a midpoint? Like... Old Navy? At the mall?" Cady sighs. Janis frowns. "They have flannels," Cady grins.

"Okay fine, Old Navy it is," Janis says.


Janis steps out of the fitting room in a light grey sweater, which is without a doubt the softest thing she's ever touched, and a pair of acid wash jeans. Cady squeals.

"Jan! You look so cozy, like you could be getting a pumpkin spice latte right now!" Cady exclaims, circling her girlfriend and adjusting the sweater. 

"It's a miracle you got me in full length jeans honestly," Janis says, feeling stiff in the thick pants. 

"I can tell that you don't like them, but you still look cute. I just love you in denim!" 

"You mean you don't love me any other time?" Janis teases, earning the two girls a side eye from the saleswoman a few feet away.

"Oh shush. You can put on your beloved fishnets again because I think I can get you into a denim skirt," Cady says, rushing away. 

"You think I didn't take them off?" Janis chuckles to herself. She stands in front of the little room still, suddenly realizing how tired she is. She's tried on some blouses and colorful shirts, allowing Cady to dress her up, but Janis did veto the light pink tank top with ruffles. 

"Here's the skirt. In black. You can pick another color later if you want," Cady smiles slightly. "Hey Jan, I'm proud of you. We can leave after this," Janis sighs in relief

"Thanks, I've never been good at shopping," Janis says, going in to try on the skirt. It fits, and Janis is both excited and annoyed. She doesn't look like Janis. She looks like plastic-y Janis, if Regina never suspected her to be gay. She doesn't hate it, but she finds it hard to love. Cady knocks on the door just as the tears start to fall.

"Jan, what's wrong?!" Cady says, rushing inside and locking the door behind them.

"I love the sweater so much and this skirt is really pretty but I just can't get over this. I look like plastic Janis. Like what if Regina never thought that I was a lesbian, would I be here now with her in this skirt and sweater?" Janis wails, angry at her thoughts. Cady picks Janis's jacket up from the floor and slips it over her shoulders.

"Janis Marie Sarkisian. You are, without a doubt, the most unique person I've ever met. Wearing new clothes doesn't change that. But if it makes you feel any better, this outfit looks amazing with your jacket" Cady whispers, wrapping her arms around Janis and resting her chin on her shoulder. They stare into the mirror together until Janis's sniffles stop and her eyes turn from aggravated red to their normal state. "You're beautiful," Cady smiles, stepping out of the room so that Janis can change back into her shorts and tank top.


Cady laces her fingers through Janis's as they walk into school Monday morning. Janis still has on her beloved green jacket, Cady wouldn't dare take it from her, but underneath is a black denim skirt with frayed edges, a light blue shirt tucked into the skirt that has white dots speckling it, and her usual fishnets. Cady has fought with Janis's hair and now it sits in a thick braid over her shoulder to reveal a plain black choker.

"Hey look, space dyke learned to dress herself," someone snickers from down the hallway. Regina comes into view, Gretchen and Karen trailing just behind.

"Still has that stupid jacket though," Gretchen adds, poking her head out from behind Regina.

"Yeah, I took her shopping, so what?" Cady interjects, stepping in front of Janis.

"Shit, Cady I forgot that you're a dyke now too. Must be exhausting, shopping with someone who doesn't know or care what she looks like," Regina says, pulling out her fancy french lip gloss and applying it slowly, popping her lips at Cady. "You could come back you know. I could make you beautiful again," Regina chuckles, moving her eyes up and down from Cady's skinny jeans to her flannel.

"Well what if I don't want to come back. Regina, you're a stone cold bitch!" Cady squeezes her girlfriend's hand, starting to lead her away when Janis pulls her back and kisses her, right there in the hallway. Regina stands in front of them, shocked and disgusted. Gretchen pulls out her phone to take a picture, but the two couldn't care less. Cady breaks away from Janis, gasping for breath. "That, dear Regina, is why I don't want to come back," Cady smiles and Janis drags her to the girl's bathroom across the hallway. The last thing they hear is a high pitched screech from Regina:


The door clicks shut.


Hah I actually do like this one even though the middle bit is a little rushed. It's super short though whoops. Hope you enjoyed!

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