Chapter 13

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Payal's POV

As I pondered why Lavanyaji halted her revelation, I pieced together that it was Nanheji who intervened. Given that he was the only male presence in the room besides Lavanyaji and also my closest male friend, I couldn't help but wonder about his sudden intervention. What could have prompted Nanheji to intervene at that moment? Was there something crucial he didn't want me to know, or was he trying to protect me from something? My mind raced with questions, each one leading to more confusion and uncertainty.

Lavanyaji (breaking my thoughts) - Payal come fast!!! Chamkili has started getting conscious.

Without any delay, I run into Khushi's room to see her eyes searching for someone.

Me (rushing up to her) - Khushi!!! How are you feeling now?

Khushi (feeling her stomach) - jiji.... How is my baby? Is he/she fine?

Payal (shocked) - Khushi.... Baby? Are you pregnant?

Khushi (smiling) - jiji....( hard time talking) I am .... Pregnant

As I embraced Khushi tightly, tears streamed down my cheeks, a mix of relief, joy, and overwhelming emotion. In that moment, holding my sister close, I felt an indescribable surge of happiness. It was as if every worry, every fear, every moment of doubt dissolved in the warmth of our embrace. Amidst the tears, there was a sense of gratitude, a profound thankfulness for the precious bond we shared and the miracle that now awaited us.

Me (crying) - Khushi you don't know how much happiness you have given me...

Nanheji (running in and interrupting me) - Khushiji please don't go through the pregnancy

As I looked at Nanheji, my happiness started to fade away. I felt worried like a dark cloud had covered the sunny sky. Despite trying to hold onto the joy I had just felt, a feeling of unease settled in. It was like a heavy weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe easy.

Khushi (shocked and sweating) - w...why?

Nanheji (serious and pretending to laugh) - I am joking Khushiji, chill and by the way congratulations

I see Khushi gazing at Nanheji without any expression on her face. It's as if she's silently thanking her devi maiyaa (godess) for something important. And Nanheji, he seems genuinely serious about whatever he's saying.

I whisper to Lavanyaji - Look after Khushi, I need to talk to Nanheji.

Me (interrupting them) - Khushi, I'm just going to the doctor to talk about your health.

Khushi (not paying much attention) - Yeh okay jiji.

I leave the room not before signalling Nanheji to follow me.

Nanheji (coming in) - What happened Payalji? Are you ok? Is the ...

Payal (angry and crying) - Now I'm sure it was you who decided to hide my pregnancy from me. Why Nanheji? Why?? And now what are you trying to hide? It's something related to Khushi. I should know.

Nanheji (worried) - Can you please get some water (telling one of the ward guys there) and Payalji please take a seat first?

I follow Nanheji's instructions, not only because he asked, but also for the sake of my unborn baby. I've chosen to keep my pregnancy secret from Akash, fearing he might try to take the child away. Nanheji hands me a glass of water, his eyes reflecting concern as he shares what the doctor revealed.

Me (crying a lot) - Why??? Why does this happen to Khushi? Why not me? She hasn't got any more strength after her husband's betrayal, not just once but twice... I don't know if Khushi should even go through the pregnancy... I can't let her... no... Khushi as your jiji I've decided that you will not go through the pregnancy... you can have my child and you can call him/her yours but just don't go through the pregnancy.

Voice (shout) - STOP!!! You will not do anything like that

I look at the owner of the voice to be even more shocked and  I try to explain to the person but no words come out.

Whose voice is that?

Why did they yell?

What will be Khushi's decision?

Whose voice is that?

What will be Khushi's decision?

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