Chapter 11

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The doctor arrives swiftly, her footsteps echoing with urgency as she rushes into the room. With a quick assessment of the situation, her eyes widen in shock as she takes in the scene before her. Payalji lies on the bed, still and pale, while I stand beside her, a mixture of worry and apprehension etched on my face.

Without pausing for a moment, the doctor strides forward, her voice carrying a sense of urgency and concern as she addresses me directly.

"What kind of husband are you?" she demands, her tone sharp with a mixture of frustration and worry. "Your wife is a month pregnant, and you aren't even taking care of her. She fainted because of dehydration. You need to make sure that she is well taken care of."

I feel a knot tighten in my stomach at her words, a rush of guilt and concern washing over me. Despite the misunderstanding about our relationship, I know I must reassure her and take responsibility.

"Doctor, she isn't my wife, but I promise to take care of her," I assert firmly, hoping to alleviate some of her concerns.

After the doctor finishes her examination and leaves, I turn my attention back to Payalji, who is slowly regaining consciousness. Rushing to her side, I offer a comforting presence as she struggles to orient herself.

"Payalji, are you okay? You just fainted, so we called the doctor," I say gently, reaching for the glass of water that Lavanya brings.

As Payalji begins to recover, her thoughts immediately turn to Khushi, but before we can leave, Lavanya insists on sharing something important, which is her pregnancy, however, I can see the conflict in Payalji's eyes, torn between urgency and the need to address Lavanya's revelation.

"Not now, we have to go to Khushi. She needs us," Payalji insists, her voice tinged with determination.

Glancing at the time, I realize how late it has become, adding a sense of urgency to our situation. Yet, Lavanya's insistence persists, signalling that her news cannot wait any longer.

I subtly gestured to Lavanya, indicating that now wasn't the appropriate moment to disclose Payal's pregnancy news. Lavanya nodded in understanding, and we made our way to the ICU where doctors were in discussion.

Upon seeing the doctors, Payalji rushed to them, her voice filled with concern for her sister. Lavanya and I hurried after her, attempting to soothe her frantic state. Lavanya gently guided Payal to sit down, offering her a glass of water to calm her nerves.

Me - Doctor, is everything alright?

Doctor (worried) - Could you please accompany me to my office?

I glanced at Lavanya, who nodded in agreement, prompting me to go with the doctor.

The doctor nodded, and I quietly instructed Lavanya to take Payal to Khushiji. Once Lavanya and Payal left, I followed the doctor to her office.

Doctor (worried) - How are you related to the patient?

Me - She's my best friend.

The doctor regarded me with concern before delivering the unsettling news.

Doctor - Khushi is a month and a half pregnant. Despite my advice, she insisted on continuing with the pregnancy. Today's fainting spell was likely caused by the stress she's been under, which is detrimental to both her and the baby. There's a high probability of miscarriage, which could result in her never being able to conceive again. The stress also poses risks during delivery, including the possibility of losing her life. I strongly recommend considering an abortion, but if she chooses to proceed, she'll need meticulous care, especially from her husband. Ensuring she eats regularly, stays hydrated, and avoids stress is crucial to her well-being and that of the baby.

I stood frozen in disbelief, my mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The news of Khushiji's pregnancy hit me like a bolt from the blue, leaving me reeling with shock and confusion. Should I feel joy at the prospect of Khushiji becoming a mother, or should I be consumed by worry and dismay over the risks involved?

My heart ached with the weight of uncertainty, torn between hope and despair. On one hand, the prospect of Khushiji's journey into motherhood filled me with warmth and anticipation. On the other, the stark reality of her precarious health cast a shadow of doubt over our future happiness. As the doctor left me to grapple with my thoughts, I stood alone in the cabin, my mind a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions, uncertain of how to navigate the turbulent sea of conflicting feelings that threatened to engulf me.

What should Nk do?

Should Khushi and Payal go through the pregnancy?

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