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"So, lover, where is this ex of yours? I want to see her." Cheryl asks while looping her red sleeve covered arm through mine. I smile and flip my hair while looking around. I actually have no idea where she is. The last couple days have been a blur to be honest.

"I dunno. Maybe at a locker?" I say. Cheryl shrugs and smoothes her red crop top with her other hand. I take her chin in my hand and smile at her before leaning in to kiss her. She leans into me slightly and then pulls away.

"Wouldn't want your sex-crazed ex seeing that now would we?" She giggles and we continue walking down our crowded hallway.

The students shove past us and Cheryl grunts before heading into the student lounge, dragging me along with her. We are greeted with Veronica, Kevin, Sweet Pea, Archie and Betty. My eyes immediately dart to Veronica and Sweet Pea sitting beside each other on the couch. Betty and Kevin are talking in the chairs and Archie is on his phone, alone.

"Hey guys. What did we miss? Any ex's running around?" Kevin looks up from his conversation with Betty and smiles at Cheryl and I.

"Not yet.. Where is Jughead?" I ask, trying to look around. Betty shrugs and leans back in her chair. Kevin furrows his brows and soon everyone is looking to Betty for answers on where our favorite mystery boy is. She tosses her hands up in a surrendering motion and waves it off.

"He said something about taking a day off of school. I think. Yeah." She states. Jughead taking a day off of school? On the first day? Not a chance.

"Okay, where is he really, Betty? Tied up in your sex dungeon?" Cheryl snaps. Veronica chokes on her coffee and Sweet Pea chuckles while patting her back. Cheryl pulls her arm away from mine and crosses hers. Betty groans and shakes her head.

"No! He just... Is sick. He has the flu and didn't want to come in sick. When I offered to stay and help him he kicked me out so I just came here. The new Bio teacher let me in early." She shrugs and crosses her arms too. Cheryl mutters something and then takes a seat on the other couch, I follow swiftly behind her.

After a few more minutes of us chatting and laughing at stupid things, Betty's eyes dart to the entrance to the lounge and she gasps and gulps. I turn around and see Jughead walking in with.. Sabrina. Holy fucking shit. No.

"Hey guys, meet-"

"Sabrina.." I finish. Cheryl grips my hand and gulps. I stand up and step towards her. She cut her bleached blonde hair. Its now a bob. Sabrina is wearing a red peacoat over a white dress that flares at the hips. She also has nice platforms.

"Hello Toni. I see you have new arm candy." She says condescendingly. Cheryl mumbles something and leaps up, stepping next to me and glaring at her.

"More like your worst nightmare, you bleached bitch." Cheryl snaps. Sabrina gasps and her arm falls from Jughead's. He gulps and steps around Sabrina and walks in between us.

"Let's just sit back down. Yeah?" He offers, his arms coming around me to try to guide me to sit back down. Cheryl furrows her brows and Sabrina opens her mouth to speak.

"Honey, why don't you step back and stay back?" Sabrina smiles and Cheryl lunges at her, tackling her down and clawing at her face. Sabrina screams and yelps while Cheryl clearly is winning the fight.

"Say that to me again, rat! I dare you!" Cheryl shouts at her. Jughead and Archie manage to pull her off before Principal Weatherbee rushes in. Sabrina is crying now. Really? Crying? Geez. To think, I dated her... Ugh.

"Take one more step towards me or Toni and I won't hesitate to keep clawing at your botox filled face!" Cheryl shouts before she is pulled out the lounge and into Principal Weatherbee is office. I realize I am now panting and grabbing my bag, running out the lounge and going to wait outside Principal Weatherbee is office.

Cheryl comes out a few minutes later. She has a smug smile on her face and I can't help but wonder what happened in there. She uncrosses her arms and greets me with a kiss. I pull away and furrow my brows.

"What the hell did you do?" I ask.

"I simply reminded him who pays for everything around this hellhole of a school and he can't suspend me now. Yay. So, I got a warning. No standing up for my girl anymore, sorry." She fake pouts and then smiles at me.

"You sneaky devil. I love you so much." I giggle and kiss her again. She leans in and she massages my tongue with hers. After a few seconds she pulls away and winks at me before heading off to her class.

I shake my head while smiling and turn around to walk to mine but Sabrina stops me. She has scratches down her face and a few bandaids here and there. Her eyes are puffy, she's been crying.

"What is it, Sabrina?" I cross my arms and sigh.

"Tell Cheryl I'm sorry. As for you, I still love you Toni. I never stopped. Please forgive me and maybe... Take me back?" She reaches for my hand but I push it away.

"I'm with Cheryl. Have been for a while and why would you even think I would want to get back with you? I broke up with you, remember?" She scoffs and I furrows my brows. Why would I go for Sabrina when I can have Cheryl?

"Just.. Think it over. I'm actually pretty different from the last time we saw each other. I'm a bit more.. Open."
Sabrina licks her lips and then winks at me before turning around and slightly swaying her hips. I shrug.

What am I gonna do..?

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