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12 Years Later

Cheryl and Toni are both twenty
-seven with two daughters. They have been happily married for five years and moved into Thistle House.

"You know," Cheryl starts while pouring a little too much Rosé into her wine glass. "You never told me what you did to get Sabrina to transfer.." She questions. Her hair is loosely tied up into a bun and she has a My Little Pony blanket draped across her legs. I sigh and laugh.

"She's in the past. Why do you care?" I ask with desperation.

"Just tell me. We're married with two girls what is she going to do now, Antoinette?" She smirks while sipping her wine. I cross my legs and she leans in closer to hear all the juicy details. Oh, high school... The so called "Good Ol Days".

Nah. Those were the "Is this a relationship or do you just want a shoulder to cry on?" days. All the questioning and second guessing. Ugh, exhausting. I mean, not for me or Cheryl. It was everybody else that was exhausting. We were always good.

"Okay so you remember her flirting and all that? Yeah, well Betty told me about how we could blackmail her to leave and eventually the two of us went all Nancy Drew on her flat ass. It was fun. Except you were on that school trip to.. What was it?" I ask before taking a steady sip of my wine. God I love Rosé. Cheryl snaps her finger and thinks really hard until she gasps and points her finger at me.

"You were investigating while I was in Pennsylvania?!" She asks and shouts maybe too loud. Luckily Gia and Maggie are heavy sleepers.

Gia is just turning three next week and Maggie is barely two. Ugh, such cute daughters of ours. Cheryl got a sperm donor for Gia and I did for Maggie. She said I had to "understand what its like to be a woman" so I got the same donor for Maggie. Gia has beaming red hair and Maggie has curls for days. We love them to death but not what they did to our bodies.

"Oh wow.. Hey have you heard from Veronica? And that apparently she's getting married. In like a week." Cheryl sets her glass of wine down and I gasp. Veronica? Married? Huh.

"Let me guess... Archie is not the groom?" I ask. Cheryl nods.

"Then who? Sweet Pea? Reggie?" I get closer to her and soon I'm covering my legs with the same My Little Pony blanket. Who the hell is Veronica tying the knot with?

"Sweet Pea." She states with bulging eyes.

Aw. How cute. The only ones who aren't engaged or married is Betty and Jughead. They moved to New York to pursue writing and now own a publishing company. Yeah, they're basically famous rich people. Just not together. Well, they are together but not married which sucks.

"Wait, were we invited?" I ask.

"Yeah. How else would I find out about the wedding?" She giggles. I finish off my wine and set it down on the coffee table that I stole from my trailer. Its not like anyone was going to use it anyway.

"Speaking of weddings, I guess, how is Kevin and Joaquin's wedding planning going? I know they've been engaged for what? Four months now? I cannot wait for that wedding." I say. Cheryl bubbles up with joy and this is the reason why I love Wine Wednesdays so much. That sweet face she makes when she gets a little tipsy.
So glad I married this goddess.

Cheryl finishes her wine and whips out her phone, still excited for buying a new phone case with red badazzles on it. She bites her lip and brings the phone to her ear.

"Sup, slut. How's the engagement life treating you?" She asks before giggling. After a couple seconds Cheryl laughs and leans forward, resting her elbow on her knee. I assume she's talking to Veronica.

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