First Meeting

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Feliks grumbled in the waiting room to the Principal's office. He couldn't even get to first period before he was violating the uniform.

"E-excuse me vhy are you here girl?" the brown haired office worker asked.

Feliks smiled and crinkled his nose deciding to play along," I'm out of dress code apparently. I'm Felicity. And you are?"

The boy heavily blushed never really talking to girls," I'm Toris."

"Vell it's nice to meet you Toris," Feliks smiled. It's not like Feliks wanted to be a girl. He just preferred to wear girl clothes. He never thought someone would actually think he was a girl, so he took advantage of this moment.

Suddenly the Principal's door opened," Mr. Feliks come into my office now!"

Feliks rose out of the chair realizing the charade was over, he was embarrassed too.

Toris mumbled," You're a boy?"

"I'm sorry Toris," Feliks said his head down. He went into the office where he took a seat across the Principal.

"Do you why you're in here?" The Prinipal asked.

"I dress better than everyone and now I get my reward? I mean I'm too fabulous" He does a hairflip.

"No Feliks you're not wearing the boys' uniform," The Principal stated.

"Vell can I vear the girl uniform? Like I'd look so cute in it. I hate vearing pants. I like feeling breezy like easy breezy cover girl," Feliks sasses.

" Well I don't know how everyone would think about this, Feliks," The Principal found an excuse.

"Oh c'mon you're just jealous 'cause I'm fab and your drab. I mean look at your suit all gray and navy. It needs more PINK!" Feliks disagreed.

"How about I let you wear the girl's uniform and you don't come into my office ever again," The Principal said finally giving in.

"Yes, thank you so much! I vouldn't vant to come into this office! I mean, vhere are all ze pony statues?" Feliks asked.

"Just go back to class," The Principal face palmed.

Feliks skipped out the door and saw Toris, then just froze," I'll say it again: I'm really sorry. Can ve be friends?"

Toris looked up from the book work,"Vhy not?"

"Vell I'll see you at lunch then, okay," Feliks smiled from the doorway out of the waiting room.

Toris blushed," Ok I'll bring some friends."

Feliks walked back to his first period class. He was so excited. He'd never flirted with anyone before. He wondered if Toris realized that he was flirting with him. Oh well, he was still gonna tell Elizaveta.

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