The Lemonade Stand

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Raivis was taking a walk early in the afternoon. He walked near Basch and Lily's house. Sitting there was Lily and the lemonade stand.

"Vhat are you doing Lily?" Raivis asked.

"The school project for social studies silly. Y'know the one vhere ve have to make a business. My big broder helped me vith mine. Vhat are you doing Raivis?" Lily explained.

"Um.........I'm doing a cleaning service since Ivan says I'm really good at cleaning," Raivis embarrassingly blushed.

"Oh that's nice.Vould you like some lemonade on the house?" Lily asked. She poured some lemonade into a cup and held it up for him.

Raivis hesitated at first, but then grabbed it,"Thank you Lily."

"Your velcome," She smiled and blushed.

"Um.....Lily?" Raivis mumbled.

"Yes?" She called.

"Can I have some more?" He gestured to the empty cup," It's really good lemonade.

"Um maybe a little bit more vouldn't vant to run out," She said pouring a little bit into his cup," My big broder helped me make it."

"Maybe I could help you make more delicious stuff?" Raivis asked.

"Oh you vant to help me make cookies for the school bake sale next month?"She questioned,"On the 4th?"

"Sure..........its a date!" He blushed," I mean it's not a date it's like vhen it'll happen."

Lily giggled," Okay see you on Monday Raivis at school."

Raivis waved goodbye and walked back home. What was he thinking a girl like her wanting to date a servant. He hoped he wouldn't mess up talking to her before they bake but he always manages to.

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