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Tino grinned that it was finally Christmas and all of his hard work would finally pay off. This was his favorite time of the year. Giving to people was his favorite thing to do. He loved the warm feeling he got whenever he gave to someone. Almost the same warm feeling he got sipping on hot cocoa on a bitter cold day. Tino gives to people all the time so it's nice that everyone else is gonna give today.

All of countries would be meeting up to exchange gifts and have some Christmas fun. Tino was a tad late but could hear his cousin's voice already.

"Ve are NOT doing this again this year," Elizaveta grumbled as she was forced to wear the get along shirt with Vladimir.

"You think I vant to vear this too?" He groaned. Gilbert and Roderich laughed as they took pictures of them.

"Just as long as ve don't valk under the mistletoe," Elizaveta snided.

"Oh my gosh Eliza I'm posting it on my Tumblr!" Gilbert joked," Hashtag cutest couple!" Elizaveta gave him I'll kill you later stare she was famous for.

"Hey don't joke about that! She's MY girlfriend!" Roderich shouted.

"Ewww no never," Vladmir gagged looking at her.

"Oh thanks Vladdy, I'd rather date that albino idiot than you!" Elizaveta admitted.

"Oh come on guys it's the holidays, just try to get along," Tino suggested," Oh should we all trade Christmas gifts?"

"Hey Roderich I got you this stupid piano ornament for you pathetic Christmas tree," Gilbert chuckled handing it to Roderich.

"Oh thank you Gilbert. I got you some chicken duck tape," Roderich grinned handing it to him.

"Vhat is ze awesome me going to do vith duck tape?"Gilbert groaned confused.

"Maybe to put over your mouth!" Elizaveta answered.

"Oh that vas a good one," Vladimir grinned giving Elizaveta a awkward high five.

"You guys are so silly I'm going to go see how all the Nordics are doing," Tino shook his head before waving goodbye. They were almost as dysfunctional as the Nordics. He looked to see where they were and immediately saw that Mathias was missing.

"Hey guys. Where's Mathias?" Tino worriedly asked.He worked so hard on all the gifts so he hoped everyone would be there.

"I have no idea where that lazy ass is, but we can open gifts without him. It's his loss," Lukas sighed.

"Hey Tino I got you this table set from Ikea and I thought that I could help you set it up later," Berwald said from behind Tino.

Tino turned around," Oh thank you so much Berwald it is means so much to me. How about tomorrow?"

"That sounds great," Berwald stated showing a small grin.

"Where's all the food," Emil asked.

"You have had five plates of food, Emil we are gonna run out if you eat anymore. You and Alfred will get rid of the food in no time," Lukas lectured pointing at Emil.

Tino looked at a big gift and read the tag," Hey Lukas this big gift is for you want to open it?"

"Okay why not," Lukas sighed getting up. He tore through the wrapping paper to see a box with little holes in it. He tore the box off to see Mathias.

"Merry Christmas Lukas! I thought long and hard what I wanted to get you and what's better than me?" Mathias grinned.

"The real question is why are you wearing your bathing suit?" Lukas asked.

"Well I wasn't gonna be naked so this was the alternative. But do you like it?" Mathias questioned.

"I'd rather never see my Puffin again then to have someone do that," Emil confessed.

"This is just really cheesy Mathias," Lukas said crossing his arms.

"I think it's really cute you guys," Tino smiled.

"Hey look Lukas I got some mistletoe," Mathias grinned grabbing some out of his pocket.

"No no NO! Not here in front of people. Do you see anyone else kissing?" Lukas blushed.

"Let's start a trend!" Mathias whined. He started chasing the embarrassed Lukas across the room.

"Do you want to start the trend?" Berwald asked.

"Um ok," Tino smiled. Berwald put the mistletoe above them. Tino got on his tippy toes and pecked Berwald's mouth. Tino blushed and went to go see how everyone else was doing.

"Hey Arty I got you this Doctor Who wand thingy," Alfred grinned," I thought it was cool and you like that show so here!

"It's actually called a sonic screwdriver and that is the one missing from my collection. I can't believe they have 4's screwdriver! Any who I got you some Marvel comics," Arthur corrected.

"Oh cool man thanks!" Alfred said before giving Arthur a hug.

"Ludwig I worked really really hard on your gift so I hope you like it!" Feliciano cheered.

"Just as long as it's not pasta," Ludwig sighed.

"Nope I made a collage of pictures of us," Feliciano chuckled.

"Vhy is it in a shape of a heart?" Ludwig asked.

"Oh that must've been by accident," Feliciano explained. Kiku shook his head at the word "accident".

"Francis I drew a picture of you as my gift." Matthew blushed.

"Oh thank you mon cheré I got you a hockey stick," Francis grinned.

Tino was pleased to see everyone have fun during this joyous holiday. It might still be pretty hectic but when is it not with this group of people?

Mistakes?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें