Cultural Differences

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Arthur walked into the almost empty school. He got here super early. He could finally get some studying done before anyone annoying shows up.

"Arthur!" Francis screamed.

"Are you shitting me," He thought to himself. Is Arthur some sort of Francis magnet. He can never get away from him.

"Hello," Francis grinned kissing his cheeks 4 times.

"This is gay," Arthur shouted pushing away.

"Um I thought you were gay?" Francis asked confused.

"I am but not for a git like you!" Arthur shouted.

"He's obviously gay for me," Alfred chuckled putting his arm around Arthur.

"All I wanted was peace and quiet yet I'm turning into a young girls vampire book!" Arthur yelled pushing away from Alfred.

"Well it was just a way to say hello in my custom.....I like someone else not you mon ami," Francis explained.

"Well I guess your all mine," Alfred smiled,

"You have got to be kidding me," Arthur said sitting down grabbing his book to study.

Alfred shoved the book away," Hello," he gave him 3 kisses on the cheek and then planted the last one on his mouth.

"Are you stupid! There are people here! The librarian!," Arthur yelled yet blushing embarrassingly.

"She had her back turned so don't sweat it Big Ben," Alfred said putting his hand through his hair.

"It's so hard not to be mad at you," Arthur confessed.

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