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Arthur smiled walking to his second period class, Home Ec.

Alfred put his arm around him," Whatcha got next dude?"

"Home Ec, you?" Arthur questioned.

"Oh darn I got P.E. with Ludwig! Arthur, isn't Home ec a girl class?" Alfred chuckled.

"It seemed like a easy class because I'm quite the gentleman," Arthur explained.

"More like a dork. Y'know you have to cook in that class right?" Alfred reminded him.

"I know. Maybe finally someone will appreciate my cooking skills," Arthur smiled, hopeful.

"That is if you don't kill anybody," Alfred laughed.

"You don't understand good cooking. All you do is go off campus for lunch and get McDonalds," Arthur said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever Arty. This is my stop, see you next period," Alfred grinned waving goodbye.

Arthur walked into the home ec room. Alfred was right, as the majority of the class was girls.

He took a seat next to Francis which after he sat down he regretted.

"What are you doing here, frog?" Arthur asked.

"I'm going to show off my French cooking skills, mon chère," Francis stated.

"Well I know I'm gonna ace this class," Arthur proudly smiled

The class started. Today they were baking cupcakes. Arthur grabbed the ingredients and wanted to add his own flare. He was too into it to wash his hands. It slipped his mind that he did a chemical experiment last period. He put a buttload of cinnamon and vanilla into the mix. He wanted to show off his British heritage so he added blueberries, siracha sauce, and egg whites. He made the oven extra warm so it would cook faster. Once it was done, they were heavily burnt. He got the generic frosting everyone was using and squirted it on the cupcakes. He was so excited for the teacher to taste and grade his hard work.

"Arthur Kirkland you're next," She shouted from her seat.

He ran up excitedly," Coming Miss."

She grabbed his cupcake and took a bite. She gagged and spit it out," What did you put in this Arthur?"

"You know flour, sugar, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, blueberries, siracha sauce, and egg whites," Arthur nervously grinned.

"You put SIRACHA SAUCE?" She questioned.

"Yes m'am," He nervously answered.

"F for you. NEXT!" She yelled getting a sip from her water bottle.

Arthur stood in the middle of the room shocked and disappointed. It didn't help that the French douche was laughing at him. He was determined that he would get a A in the class if it killed him.

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