Friends again?

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A few weeks later Roderich is standing at his locker with Ludwig. Basch is at his locker which is across the hallway.

"Vhat ever happened between you and Basch?" Ludwig asked.

"I honestly don't remember, it vas a long time ago. I mean now ve are totally different. I don't think that ve could be friends or anything," Roderich slammed his locker and headed to 5th period chemistry.

"You never know, Roderich. Life is full of surprises. Vho knew I vas gonna be friends vith Feliciano?" Ludwig explained following him.

"Vhat vill be vill be. I have enough on my plate, Ludwig, like school, Elizaveta, and the piano," Roderich stated. Ludwig rolled his eyes and headed to woodshop.

Roderich walked into class. The teacher assigned partners. Roderich and Basch got partnered up. They were going to do something with the bunsen burner.

Basch put his goggles on," I guess ve are partners."

"Yeah ve haven't talked in avhile. Vhat happened?" Roderich asked, putting on the gloves.

"I'm not really sure but for some reason vhen ve vere in lower school, ve stopped being friends." Basch said, finishing up getting dressed safely for the experiment.

"Ve should be friends again, I guess. Vant to do something?" Roderich asked putting on gloves and goggles.

"Aren't you busy vith piano stuff and Elizaveta?" Basch asked.

"It's not like I don't have friends," Roderich tensed up.

"Oh I vas unaware you had friends," Basch said sarcastically.

"This must've been vhy ve stopped being friends," Roderich laughed turning on the bunsen burner.

At the end of class they traded phone numbers and agreed that they were friends again.

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