Valentine's Day Part 2

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Matthew turned around to see Francis.
"Hello Matthew," Francis grinned handing him a red rose.

Matthew blushed," This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me. I didn't even think you'd notice me or anything."

"How could I not notice someone with such a big heart. Someone who deserves a smile. I love your artwork," Francis explained.

"W-well we came here to eat," Matthew stuttered getting out the menu.

"Hello I'm Jane your server, what can I get you guys today," Jane grinned holding her pad and pen.

"I'll have strawberry crepes, please. What about you Matthew?" Francis smiled.

"Can I have some pancakes?" Matthew whispered.

"Excuse me what?" Jane asked.


"What the hell has gotten into you?" Francis asked as the waitress left.

"Confidence," Matthew blushed. He felt bad about his outburst it was something Alfred would do. Being with Francis made him feel like there would be someone who would listen.

"I got the popcorn," Elizaveta giggled grabbing a piece from the top to pick.

"Ve have to vait until the movie Eliza! It also needs more butter. You go get the drink," Gilbert complained. He grabbed the bag and started pouring more butter on it while Elizaveta got a coke to share.

"C'mon Gil ve are gonna miss the movie!" Elizaveta grinned grabbing his arm.
"Vell I wanted us to see a happy movie after all that happened today," Gilbert explained.
"I'm just so happy to go see big hero 6 especially vith you," Elizaveta answered.
"Yeah Roderich vould rather see some boring documentary on Mozart or is it pop tart?" Gilbert joked.

"Thank you so much Gil, your my best friend," Elizaveta smiled going in the theater before Gilbert.

"Mission date Elizaveta might actually happen this year," Gilbert whispered.

"Gilbert c'mon I saved you a seat" Elizaveta shouted from the other side of the theater.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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