No Homo

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Gilbert walked into Journalism. They were starting the school newspaper for the year. Feliciano was writing an article about his favorite summer dishes.

Kiku was busy writing an article on cutest couples. Gilbert looked over his shoulder and looked at Elizaveta and Roderich's names on there. He shook his head trying not to think about it.

Feliks sipped the coffee he got from teacher's lounge while writing an article about fall fashion for the weekends.

"Feliks that's not Starbucks.Vhere'd you get the coffee?" Gilbert asked.

"I've got connections. This journalism teacher is a doll," Feliks smiled and waved at the teacher.

Gilbert went to the computer, still confused on what to write.

"Excuse me, Gilbert I was wondering if you'd be a part of my survey," Peter politely asked.

"Sure vhy not," Gilbert said turning towards Peter," Vhat's it on?"

"I'm curious about what changed in the summer. Specifically their sexuality," Peter smiled.

"Vait, how old are you again?" Gilbert questioned.

"I'm 12 now," Peter smiled," Gilbert, are you a homosexual?"

Gilbert became frazzled," No I'm 100% straight, little man!"

"What about you with those guys?" Peter asked.

"You mean Antonio and Francis? They are just my friends," Gilbert explained.

"But I saw you get intimate with them," Peter stated.

"Those were just bro hugs dude," Gilbert said bluntly.

"You didn't say no homo so it was homo," Peter argued.

"I have zero clue vhat your talking about. Your just a little kid, and you shouldn't be asking these questions!" Gilbert said raising his voice.

Peter slowly walked away and moved on to Feliks. Gilbert still had no clue what to write about. He dropped his head on the keyboard in anger.

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