Caught in the middle

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Elizaveta held onto Roderich's right arm as they walked to the entrance as it was the end of school.

Roderich pushed away," I have to go. I'll see you later Eliza."

Elizaveta kissed him on the cheek," Ok I'll talk to you later bae." Out of the corner of her eye as her broke away she could see Gilbert slam his locker and roll his eyes.

Elizaveta walked outside waiting to be picked up. Gilbert stood on top of his black motorcycle.

"Hey Elizaveta you vant a ride?" Gilbert shouted.

"No it's fine thanks," She declined politely.

"Are you vaiting for your perfect boyfriend to pick you up?" Gilbert asked.

Elizaveta grumbled," Do you really vant to come home to Ludwig vith a black eye?"

Gilbert chuckled," I'm sorry Elizaveta I just vant you to be happy."

"And you think I'd be happy vith you?" Elizaveta asked. Gilbert got off his bike and tried to kiss her. Roderich was passing by and saw what happened heartbroken. Gilbert didn't even get a chance to kiss her before she punched him in the face.

"You should've asked me out vhen you could Gilbert," Elizaveta sternly spoke.

Gilbert fondled with his helmet," Vould you have said yes?"

Elizaveta blushed," Maybe," she saw her ride," I'm sorry Gilbert I have to go." She waved at him goodbye as she got in the car. Gilbert wished he wasn't such a procrastinator or else Elizaveta would be riding on the back of his bike.

"Vouldn't it make Roderich mad," Gilbert chuckled to himself. He rode off to his and Ludwig's house.

Roderich was driving his car not seeing the punch. He felt so upset he knew someone who would make him feel better. Someone to talk to.

He dialed the number," Hey Basch?"

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