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~Unexpected meeting~

"APINK SARANGHAE!" Fans cheered as Apink walked off of the stage.

They walked into the backstage and congratulated everyone for a successful performance.
One of the PD approach the girls.

"Excuse me, Apink's leader Park Chorong-ssi?" He said.

"Me?" Questioned Chorong surprised.

"Eonni, who else can lead us except you" Eunji assured.

"Anyways, there's an event for the leaders in each group at the award show tomorrow, I hope your able to come" The PD announced.

"Ahh, thank you. Yes, I'll be happy to attend" Chorong accepted.

The girls were all excited for her, and after all of that they went into their change room to get ready for their next performance.

~ At the filming for the leaders' event~
Chorong's pov

There were a lot of leaders here, I recognize most of them but I only know a couple of them.
I walk around and I spot Eunkwang from Btob, Apink and Btob are really close to each other. I was making my way towards him and he notices he waved his hand and I also wave back.

The writers announced that we were starting the filming so we had to take our seats.
We sat in order of when we debuted. I was on the end and Exo's Leader sat next to me.

I'm not entirely sure what we're doing, but they told us we were going to talk about things that leaders felt and understood.

So we were taking turns discussing what we felt about being a leader, I didin't talk much because I was quite shy. But one of the MC's asked me to dance one of our popular comeback NO NO NO.

So I stood up and did what I was told, then the MC's pointed something out.

"Ah, Suho-ssi we notice you're a big fan of this song"
"Yes, I'm actually a huge fan of Apink"
"Why don't you both dance together?"

He stood up shyly and he was very cute. We danced together as the others cheered.
The filming was a lot of fun, but it ended and some of the leaders left to find their groups as they were performing soon.

I stayed behind because we don't perform until later and we were right after Exo. So Suho also stayed.

We talked a bit while we were waiting, we also gave each other our phone numbers. He's a really nice guy and he's fun to talk to.

We both had to leave since it was soon our turn to perform, so we went different directions to look for our groups.

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