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Suho's Pov

I saw the articles about Chorong and I. Honestly I don't care if people found out,  maybe this way I could finally interact with her and Changsub will be hate on for stealing her from me.

I was called to the office to talk, and I know what this is about.

"Suho, you know what you have to do right?" The boss ask.
" I know, but I won't." I rebelled
"Look it's only been a couple hours and already your sales have been going down." He says showing me the stats.
" it doesn't matter, I love her." I continued

If I give her up, I'll lose everything. I'll lose my fans trust, I'll lose the love of my life and worse of all I'll lose Chorong to Changsub.
They'll be back to being friends and he wins her back.

" listen here boy, break up with her or else." He threatens
"What?" I returned
" your career, your team and your little girlfriends career will come crashing down." He says

I thought about it. I hesitate.
I am I hesitating, I love her so why should I hesitate.

"Suho look at this." He adds showing me on the projector
" does your girlfriend really like you? He wonders.
"Yes!" I yell
"Then who's this?" He ask showing pictures of both Chorong and Changsub.


Authors Pov

It's been weeks since Chorong and Suho were caught.
Apink's has been getting hate non stop, things thrown on their stages and Chorong can't go anywhere without protection.
Exo's been threaten to keep Suho away from chorong and their sales went down like crazy.

Chorong's been trying to contact Suho, but he's ignoring her.

Chorong worried and upset finally decided to show up at their dorm to discuss the matter.

She walks up to the door wiping her tears as she's been crying on the way here. Suho opens the door and walk out of their dorm and stares at her.

He sees that she's hurting, but angers fills him up.


Suho and Exo's manager were talking. Suho now sees that their relationship is ruining his career and he can't jeopardize his career for a girl.

"Suho, here's what you're going to do. You break up with her, but you don't tell her it's for your career." Manager plots.
"How can I do that, that's a lie." Suho says.
"You can't ruin your image, you have to play the victim here. Make it look like its her fault." He replies.
"Do it for you and your team.Remember her team is also involved" manager continues
Suho hesitates.

"I un-de-rsta-nd." He stutters

How can he hurt his girlfriend like this? But it has to be done for Exo's future.

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