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I wake up to my early alarm rubbing my eyes and squinting. I check my phone and see nothing but a plain dry phone.

I get out of bed and get dressed. Tying my shoes all ready to go I head down stairs and head to school.

I meet up with Tom in the front of the school.
" so I was reading that we as humans only need four hours of sleep, even though I don't see why that less if-" I interrupt Tom.

" Tom we aren't in biology or in any sleeping educational classes, so chill out will you?" I say as I laugh. Tom laughs a little and says

" yeah yeah, sure whatever dork." I roll my eyes at the comment dork.

Walking into my high school is like a never ending movie. It's like on replay... it replays each day of school. The same people. The same bitches I hate. The same drama everyday. The same everything except Caleb.

I never see Caleb unless it's for lunch or when he's just randomly roaming the hallways silently skipping classes.

I make my way to my locker leaving Tom behind talking to himself about diet foods, when I see them walk in like some kind of movie appearance. But Caleb walks in quietly with a bitter look on his face. Sadness.

Caleb. Alex. Ashton . Sam.>>>>>>>>>

My heart begins to beat as I see Caleb. I guess I've really fallen again for one of them again.

As I stare at them walking by I open my locker with my eye still on them... POP!
"Shit!" I drop my book.

I bend  down to get it when a hand meets with mine. I look up slowly thinking it's Caleb. Hoping it's Caleb. But it's not.

It's Sam.

His dark brown eyes burn into mine as he smiles and says " I got it." His perfect hair sticking out a little from the top as he hands me my book.
He holds it out waiting for me to grab it smiling. Perfectly. Call me a hoe but he's just as good looking as Caleb.

" thanks." I say reaching for my book. Sam continues to smile but then he gets closer to me. And closer. His face getting inches and inches closer to my face as he stares into my eyes and he tilts his head a little and continues to come closer to my face.

Is he going to kiss me?!

I quickly close my eyes. But nothing. I pop one eye open as the other one stays shut. Sam looks at me two inches closer to my face and begins to laugh and leans away from me. I stand back against my locker as he smirks at me and turns around and takes off, he turns his head and looks at me again. But this time he rounds the corner leaving me speechless once again.

I just wish Caleb would at least look at me. Talk to me? But he doesn't even know I exist. Even though he knows my name it doesn't mean anything...

Okay guys I hope you enjoyed this part about Sam. I know this story is having some grammar issues and is currently under major editing so if you come across any miss spelled words or any punctuation please forgive me :)

But please continue to read this it's getting better it promise! ❤️

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