Silent treatment and making up

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" savanna..." Caleb says as his clenches his fist looking down. " you let him kiss you?" I stand there legs shaking. What am I supposed to say? No.?

I look at Sam as he watches me eyes not moving away from me. " yes." I finally say. Caleb turns around putting both of his hands on the back of his head. Walking in circles looking down he says " and you didn't bother to tell me any of this why? So you could keep it a secret from me?"

" Caleb.. look it's not like that. It's not like Sam actually meant it, sure he may have feelings for me... but he knows that we couldn't be together". I turn to face Sam as I finish talking he walks towards Caleb and says
" look man i'm-" Caleb cuts him off.
" no get away from me...." Caleb says and walks out the front door of Ashton's house.

On the way home it's pretty quite. Awkward and to be honest I hate it. Alex clears his throat and Ashton looks out the window to his side. I sit in between Sam and ash. I feel a cold hand touch mine. I look down and see sams hand on my hand. Squeezing it softly yet tightly, I look up at look at him. His eyes brown like chocolate and his jawline sharp and tightening as I look at him more. He softly smiles and sadly looks down removing his hand away from mine.

What's going on? Is Sam mad at me? Did he really have feelings for me like he said?

I turn to face the front of the truck in silence.

We stop at my house and Sam opens the door so I can get out. I wait for Caleb or one of them to walk me to my door but no one does. As I turn around to head to my door, a hand stops me and tugs me backward. I spin and face Sam. " savanna... I did mean it." He says as he squeezes my hand once more and gets in the truck with the others.

I open the front door to my house. I feel like a balloon and like a needle just went through me. Deflated.  I go to the kitchen and get some orange juice from the refrigerator and try and relax. I grab my cup of juice and drag my feet on the floor making my way up stairs to my room.

I take a shower and once I'm done I go lay down putting on my shirt and shorts. I turn out the light on the table beside my bed and stare at the ceiling. My mind races to Sam and Caleb. Who do I have feelings for?
Sam kissed me. Caleb protects me and makes me feel all happy inside. Who?

Could I possibly like Caleb more then Sam?
I try and close my eyes trying to fall asleep when I hear a thump at my window. I sit up in bed and squint finding Caleb at my window. I quickly hurry up and go open it for him.

He gets inside and sighs. " what are you doing here?" I ask watching him stare a whole into me. He looks at me jaw clenching.

"Savanna I'm sorry. I-I should've said sorry to you. I should've been there for you when you needed instead of Sammy." He looks down breathing slowly.

" Caleb. It's fine... you don't have to apologize. I'm the one who made a big deal out of things. I shouldn't have kissed Sam back either... but I didn't know you... you had feelings for me".

Caleb looks at me deep eyed. " I do. And I'm not going to stop. I just couldn't stand the fact that Sam kissed you, it killed me in the inside." I hug Caleb. Listening to his heart beat in his chest I look up slowly at him as he looks at me putting both of his hands on my face and kisses me. he puts his forehead against mine and looks down at me and says " just promise me that you and Sam will never have anything. He's like my brother and I actually care about you.." I sigh in relief knowing that my heart has chosen Caleb.

I open my eyes squinting at the sun light and finding caleb beside me asleep underneath my sheets. I quickly panic and look under the sheets to make sure I'm not naked!

But it's fine I have my clothes on still. I didn't even know that Caleb stayed the night. It was all such a blur. I go downstairs and put some bread in the toaster when I hear a knock on my front door. I rub my eyes yawing and open the door.


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