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I squint to the sunlight hitting my eyes when I wake up Sunday morning. Ugh tomorrow's another day another life. I yawn as I stretch out of bed. I check my phone that's on the table beside my bed and see two texts messages from Tom.

Tom: I know it's one in the morning but we should have a movie night tomorrow or do something.

Tom: hello?

I smile and reply back with

Me: sure :))

And find some clothes in my closet.

" so I brought she's the man and the notebook" Tom says a He pops some popcorn and candy corn at the same time in his mouth. I get grossed out. " Tom your sick!" I say as I laugh.

Tom rolls his eyes. " please it's delicious" he laughs. I smile and take a sit on the couch criss cross apple sauce and wait for Tom to put in the movie she's the man.


" sooo" Tom says as he looks at me putting up his movie. I sit up on the couch and say " sooo what?" Tom look at me like I'm stupid.
" have you heard from any of those idiots lately?" I quickly clear my throat when I hear the word idiots because that's what Tom calls Caleb,Alex,Sam and Ashton.
I half smile. " no not since Friday, I really don't care either they don't mean anything to me" I say even though I lie knowing I kinda miss them giving me their undivided attention. Tom smiles and says " good you don't need to worry about some ass wholes who do bad things and use girls. My heart drops knowing toms right.
I sigh heavily and say " let's just say change the subject. How about we go to the mall!?" I say trying to sound happy and not annoyed.  But Tom says " nah I think I'm gonna go home I'm  not feeling to well."  I quickly get close to him and feel his face. " you feel like you've got a fever"

Tom looks at me and says " yeah well wanna FaceTime instead later tonight?" I smile softly
" sure, anything for my best friend"

After Tom leaves I go to my room. I plop down on my bed and get on my phone. I get on Instagram wandering if any of the so called
" idiots" have posted anything. But nothing. I toss my phone to the side and just lay back on my pillow when I hear a knock on my window.
I get scared and sit up quickly. I hear it again and see a human shadow figure at my window. Wtf!?

I open the curtain slowly to find Caleb McCane.
" quick let me in!" He shouts through the glass.
I quickly open the window as Caleb jumps in my room." What are you doing here ?and why are you here? and how did you get up here? And what happened to you?!" I ask nervously.

Caleb sits on  my bed and holds his hands up and says " one question at a time please savanna..." I clear my throat and say " right, sorry." Caleb groans and picks at his arm.
" ahhh, it hurts" He says. There's a big cut on his arm. " Caleb, what happened to you?!" I sit next to him. " Aron happened. He tried to fight me and he boys over what happened the last time at that party,and...." he cuts off looking at me. I search his deep brown eyes and say
" and what?" Caleb sighs " and because he's still trying to get you" I feel a knot in my throat forming. " whatever I don't care I'm going to get some things for that cut" Caleb gets up from my bed and says while I go into the bathroom " no savanna you don't understand he's dangerous, he can harm so many people.

I walk back into my room as I stand beside Caleb fixing his cut. " savanna?! Why are you ignoring me? Listen to me!" He suddenly puts both of his hands on my face looking into my eyes and says " please promise me you'll never get close to him or even talk to him..." I look at his face and see fear and emotion and say " o-okay Caleb. I promise."

I go to my locker as I see Sam talking to Valerie Hillwood, blonde and rude bitch. He sees me staring as he pushes her hair back behind her ears.  so I quickly look away. I grab my water bottle and notebook out of my locker and kinda feel jealous. "Ehmm..." I hear someone clear their throat  behind me. I suddenly get shiver down my spine and I'm hoping it's not Aron.
I slowly close my locker and turn around and see sam looking  at me with his hand in his pocket. He's not wearing his bad boy outfit today either. Just blue jeans and a grey mind races to many things.

" can you move please?" I ask nicely. Sam doesn't move he puts one arm on my locker and the other on the other side. Leaving me to be trapped in between him. He stares at me. And breaths quietly. " why?" He finally says. I sigh and say " because I'm going to be late to class, that's why" I say.  Sam laughs all of the sudden. He smirks and says " I saw you spying on me Stevenson. Did you think I was gonna kiss her like I kissed you on the cheek the other night?" I quickly push him back so I can have some space. " No what makes you think that!? And plus your stupid kiss didn't mean anything to me, just like you don't either!" I say annoyed.
Sam puts a hand on his chest and and says
" ouch, that hurt. Are you sure your not lying savanna?" He says with his usual bad boy smile. I roll my eyes. " o-of course I'm not lying idiot" Sam laughs " we'll see about that Stevenson." He says and he walks ahead of me. I shout back " see about what?!" But I get no answer Sam just keeps walking.

I walk to my table outside waiting for Tom as usual. It's an everyday routine with us too. I see Tom running my with with a medium size plastic bag. " hey, sorry I was late I went to get us some subway" Tom says as he hold the bag up. I smile.

" aww thanks best friend! Your the best!" Tom smiles and says " ye-..." he gets off when Ashton and Alex appear out of nowhere. " aww did tommy buy us some food?" I look at both of them anger eyed. " guys leave him alone" Tom laughs and says " no it's okay savanna let's just leave". As I turn around I feel someone who grabs my arm and yanks me backward.

" not so fast Stevenson, we need you" Alex says. I look back at Tom as he gets defensive. " let her go you a..." Alex tenses and says " relax tommy we just need to talk to her nothing more" I look at Tom and nod.

" what do you guys want? It's my lunch time!" Ashton looks at me, " listen we just wanted to see how you were doing and wanted to know if you've encountered or seen Aron lately?" I look at Alex. " ummm no, why?" Ashton's phone suddenly rings and he says " I have to take this" and leaves. " look savanna I- we just don't want you to g-get hurt... you know what I mean". I look at Alex as he adjusts his leather jacket and slicks his hair back. I barley even crack a smile.
" shit." He says suddenly.

I try and turn around but Alex turns my head and plants my face into his chest and he holds me tightly. I feel his body shake a little. He suddenly speaks causing his chest to vibrate as he talks. " what the hell do you want Daniels?!" When I hear the name Daniels I quick get so scared and rap my arms around Alex holding him tightly afraid. I hear Aron laugh.

" nothing nothing, I just dropped by to say hi to my fellow school mates that's all". Alex suddenly looks down at me and whispers in my ear. " get behind me now!" He quickly  lets me go and I get behind him watching Aron smile wickedly.  " just leave Daniels." Alex answers angerly. Aron title his head a little and looks at me. " I see you princess" he laughs as he looks at me. Alex steps back leading me with him.

" well my lunch time is getting ruined I'll leave you too alone... for NOW" Aron says as he turns around leaving. I quickly turn around completely ignoring Alex. I try to walk as fast as I can but Alex catches me. " savanna wait! What's wrong?" I stop and turn to look at Alex.
His eyes meeting mine. " why me? Why'd I have to get involved with this?!" I cry. Alex looks down at me and holds my face and nearly speaks when the other three boys show up.
" savanna things will be okay Ashton says giving me a hug" I sob some more. As I look up Caleb stand beside me. " it's not your fault is ours okay, if you hadn't gotten involved with us this wouldn't have happened". I stand still wiping my tears away. " your right... maybe I should stop talking to all of you!" I turn around quickly and try and walk but it's always one of the guys holding me back. The arm grip gets tighter as I see Caleb holding my arm. " savanna please don't go, we'll protect you" He says as his eyes bare into mine. What is it with these guys always so hot?!

I take a look at all of them and say " and why would you do that?" Sam doesn't even bother to look at me he just watches the soccer players kick a ball around as the other three look at me. " if this is what we got you in then it's our job okay? Accept it or not we're still not leaving you alone!" Caleb suddenly says angerly. " right boys?" He says. Ashton and Alex both says yes but Sam doesn't.
" Sam?... Sam?!" Caleb says again. Sam looks over at us. " oh, yeah" he says looking back at the soccer players. Did Sam just ignore us?

" good now come on we're going to my house." Caleb says. I hesitate. "Wait what about lunch? And school?" Caleb grabs my arm again and says " you can eat something at my house and forget school".

Keep reading! I'm back!!!🙌🏽😊❤️

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