'I think I love you'

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*These are text messages between you and Namjoon who happens to be your childhood best friend*

RM: hey girly, still up to watching The Nun this Monday?

You: yes defiantly, want to see if it's scary as it looks

RM: you're quite the movie critic aren't you?

You-I am 😏

RM-So has he tried to text you?

You-I was going to tell you yesterday but I forgot, He came by my house and begged me to come back, I told him to leave cause he's wasting his time, dick.

RM-If I were there, that guy would've left with a black eye

You-Easy now joonie, he didn't do anything to hurt me

RM-Ik but he broke your heart so I'm still gonna punch him 🤨

You-god you're overprotective

RM-you know it but there's also another reason why I want to punch him


RM-He dated you...I wanted to date you for the longest time, I was afraid to say something cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship, staying quiet and seeing you with another guy was the hardest thing for me. What I'm trying to say is that, I think I'm falling in love with you y/n.


RM-If you don't feel the same way, I understand

You-I like you too..

RM-you do??

You-Yes, I wished you said something before I wasted two years with that douche.

RM-I should've but you looked happy so I stood quiet

RM-I want you to be my girl

You-I'm already am

RM-How about we make that movie a date?

You-I would love that joonie ☺️

RM-yay! I'll show you how a real man treats a woman

You-You already do

RM-Can't wait for Monday now

You-why wait till Monday? 😉

RM-omw over...

RM-be ready baby

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