Childhood Crush (smut)

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You were walking around the mall after buying your best friend, Jennie a birthday present, you walked into a store and started looking at some clothes when you heard a familiar deep voice ask:

"Need help finding anything?"

You turn and see your good friend/crush, Namjoon standing there, you instantly get a little shy as you do whenever you're around him.

"I'm just looking around". You said, he nods.

"I see you're shopping for Jennie". Namjoon saids.

"Yeah, she dropped subtle hints on what she wanted for weeks so I was prepared". You said, you and Namjoon chuckle.

"Try living with her". Namjoon saids, you giggle.

"Anyways, you coming to her party tonight?". Namjoon asks.

"I am". You say.

"That's good, have a familiar face there". Namjoon saids with a soft smile, another customer walks in.

"I gotta go see if they need anything, I'll see you this evening y/n". Namjoon saids.

"See you this evening Namjoon". You say.

Namjoon walks away and you take a quick breath to compose yourself, you exit the store and head to your car, you call Jennie once in the car.

"Yo girl!"

"Hey Jen"

"Whats up? Lemme guess, you saw Namjoon at work"

"How'd you-"

"Lucky guess"

"Well yeah and he talked to me, he said he's going to be at your party tonight"

"And you want me to doll you up?"


"Of course I'll help you, maybe you'll get lucky"


"What? I know you've liked my brother since we were kids, I'll help you get your man"

"He's not my man"

"Technically he is"

"Alright, I'll come to your house"

"I'll get my makeup ready"

"See you when I get there."

You two hang up and you drive to Jennie's house where you see the decorations already set up, Jennie leads you up to her room.

"Okay girl, we gotta make you look hot, hotter then you usually look". Jennie saids.

"You're just saying that". You say.

"No girl you're hot, You should see the way Namjoon looks at you, he's smitten"

"Don't lie about that Jen-"

"I'm not lying, he's my brother, I know him better then anyone else and I know when he likes a girl."

Jennie does have a point, It was time to come out of your shell and tell Namjoon about your feelings regardless of his reaction.

"Alright, just don't make me look like a Kardashian". You say.

"Sit down and let me work my magic girl". Jennie saids.

Jennie takes out her makeup bag and begins working on you, you kept thinking how you are gonna confess to Namjoon and only hoped he saids what you want to hear or you were gonna be heartbroken.

*Time skip to the party*

Jennie's birthday party was absolutely wild, loud music was playing and everyone was drinking and dancing, you walked over to the punch bowl to get a quick drink when one of your friends, Mino walks over to you.

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