Protective Dad

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*Gangster Namjoon!*


I walked into my house after being at work all day and hear my wife in the kitchen, I take off my coat then make my way over to her, I wrap my arms around my wife's waist.

"How was your day honey?". I ask her.

"It was good, what about you?". She asks.

"Same ole thing, is it okay with Yoongi joins us for supper?"

"It's okay with me dear"

"MinChul home?"

"Not yet."

I nod and kiss her cheek, I hear the front door open then shut close, I walk out to the living room where I see MinChul sitting on the couch hugging his knees.

"What's wrong son?". I ask him.

"Nothing". MinChul saids quietly, his voice hoarse.

"MinChul, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything". I say sitting next to him.

MinChul sighs then he looks up at me, there I see his fresh black eye, bruised and cut up cheek, busted lip and I see some blood coming out of his nose.

"My god son, who did this to you?". I ask worriedly.

"I can't say who.."


"I don't want to be a snitch dad!"

I walk into the kitchen and get a damp rag, I walk back into the living room and gently dab MinChul's cheek, lip and nose, my wife walks in.

"MinChul, Who did this to you? Give me a name"

"Namjoon he's traumatized-"

"No y/n, He needs to speak up or it's gonna happen again"

MinChul wipes some tears, I soften my face a little and place my hand on his shoulder, MinChul looks at me and wipes some tears.

"He's in my grade and always bullies me, today was the first time he physically attacked me". MinChul saids.

"What's his name son?". I ask.

"...SangHoon, Gong SangHoon". MinChul saids.

It hits me that the last name sounds familiar then it clicks in my head, I know who the boy's father is and my blood begin boiling but I didn't want to show it around MinChul.

"Look at me son". I say, MinChul looks up at me.

"Everything is going to be alright, okay?". I tell him and he nods.

I pat his arm and get up from the table and set the rag on the table, I tell my wife that I gotta step out for a bit then exit the house, I meet Yoongi in the driveway.

"Hey we got something to take care of before supper". I say to Yoongi.

"What's up?". Yoongi saids.

"This little punk jumped MinChul and I know who he is and who his father is". I say.

"Who's the punk's father?". Yoongi asks.

"Gong Yoo". I said.

That was enough for Yoongi to hop into my car and we head to his house, Gong Yoo is a rival of ours and to hear that his son attacked my boy means he probably put the kid up to it, Goddamn shame. We arrive at Gong Yoo's and walk up to the door, I ring the doorbell and Yoongi slips me the brass knuckles, The door opens and there stood Gong Yoo.

"The hell you two doing here?". Gong Yoo saids.

"I want to speak to your son Gong"

"The hell you will"

"You put your kid up to attacking my boy huh?"

"My son attacked your son?"

"Yes now can I speak to him?"

Gong Yoo walks away and a minute later, reappears with SangHoon, He gives me a smug look, father like son indeed.

"Who are they?". SangHoon asks Gong Yoo.

"They're just here to talk to you son". Gong Yoo saids.

"Did you attack my son, MinChul?". I ask him.

"I did, whatcha gonna do? You can't hit a kid". SangHoon saids with a smug smirk.

"You're right, I can't hit a kid but-"

I punch Gong Yoo square in the face with the brass knuckles.

"Dad!". SangHoon shouts.

"Stand back". Yoongi warns SangHoon.

I kick Gong Yoo in the ribs and punch him again, he spits out blood, I can hear SangHoon crying.

"See your dad boy? He's taking this for you." I tell him.

I kick him hard in the ribs again, Gong Yoo was at this point a bleeding mess, I walk over to SangHoon and grab him by his shirt.

"If my son ever comes home beaten up again cause of you, I will make your life a living hell, got me?"

"Y-Yes Sir..". SangHoon saids.

"Don't idolize your father bud, it won't get you far". I say.

I let go of SangHoon's shirt and I motion for Yoongi to go, SangHoon runs up to Gong Yoo, Me and Yoongi get in my car and we speed out of there.

After that day, MinChul never came home beaten up again and hasn't complained about any bullying, I guess you can say my method worked.

Don't piss off a gangster

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