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After a long day of work, Namjoon was glad to finally be home and away from the chaos of the workplace, after sitting on the couch, Cho-hee strolls over and hops next to Namjoon.

"Hey Appa!". Cho-hee saids happily.

"Hey princess, how was your day?". Namjoon asks his daughter.

"Good, um Appa my friends and I got invited to a party this friday-"

"Who's hosting the party?"

"This boy Bora knows-"

"And how old is this boy?"

"He's a junior in college"


"But Appa-"

"You're not going to a college party, they can get out of hand"

"But I'll be with all my friends-"

"My answer is still no"

"But Appa-"

"No Cho-hee and that's final."

Cho-hee sighs dramatically and storms to her bedroom, shouting 'i hate living here' before slamming her door shut, you arrive home from picking up your son, Ji-hoon from school.

"Hello dear, how was your day?". You say, greeting Namjoon.

"Okay and also Cho-hee hates me". Namjoon saids.

"What happened?"

"She asked to go to a party with her friends this Friday but i said no cause this party is hosted by a college boy"

"I'll go talk to her but I agree with you babe, she shouldn't go to this party"

"Thank you babe, I hate being the bad guy"

"You're not a bad guy, you're just looking out for Cho-hee, you're a great appa Namjoon."

You give your husband a loving kiss before going to talk to Cho-hee, you stood true to your word and took Namjoon's side in things, After a while you weren't getting anywhere so you just ended the conversation and said no to the party. When dinner time comes around, Cho-hee was silent as you all ate at the table, Poor Ji-Hoon didn't know what was going on and pulled on Namjoon's shelve.

"Appa, why is sissy mad?"

"She's upset cause we're not letting her go to a party"

"I don't understand why I can't go, I'll be with my friends, I'm not going alone". Cho-hee saids frustratedly.

"Cause high school girls and college boys/girls are a bad combination and a disaster waiting to happen"

"I'm 17 years old, why are you treating me like a baby?!"

"Cause you're acting like one"


"That's enough Cho-hee, not another word"

"Fine, how about three, I hate you!"

The whole dining room goes silent, Namjoon throws his napkin onto the table and stands up, Cho-hee backs up frightened.

"Go to your room and I don't want to see you for the rest of the evening". Namjoon saids.

Cho-hee sprints to her room and shuts her door, Namjoon then turns around and heads to his home office, shutting the door loudly behind him.

"It's okay buddy, come on, let's go get some ice cream". You say, seeing Ji-hoon scared cause of what happened.

You and Ji-hoon leave the house for a while and got ice cream, you reassured him that Appa and sissy love one another but once in a while problems are bound to occur. After enjoying some ice cream, you two head back home and you hear Namjoon in the bedroom getting ready for bed so you tell Ji-hoon to go get dressed and ready for bed, you walk into the bedroom and see Namjoon standing in front of the sink in your connecting bathroom.


"I'm alright y/n."

Namjoon turns off the sink and you walk up to him, he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

"Let's go to bed, hm?". Namjoon saids.

"Okay". You say.

You and Namjoon go to bed and you curl up to him, holding him close and rubbing his back in gentle circles, you knew Namjoon didn't want to admit it but you knew Cho-hee's words had cut him deep.


Namjoon and you were in bed watching tv just enjoying each other's company, Cho-hee was over at Bora's and Ji-Hoon went to go stay with your parents for the weekend, things were still tense between Namjoon and Cho-hee.

"It's quiet". Namjoon saids.

"It is". You said.

You crawl onto Namjoon's lap and he sighs as you run your hands down his chest, he tries to sit up but you push him down.

"Relax Joon, let me help you relive some stress."

You lean down and he begins kissing you, the kiss turns passionate and he moves you onto your back, The mood is ruined by your phone ringing.


"Let me answer the phone Joon."

Namjoon lets you stand up and you answer your phone, he lays on his back.

"Hello?..yes this is she...oh my god, is she okay?..we'll be right there!". You say before hanging up.

"What is it??". Namjoon saids worriedly.

"It's Cho-hee, she was in an accident.."

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