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Hey...That warning. I bet some of you read it and thought I can handle it. But I don't put warnings on anything unless I take them to heart so please take it seriously.

So I haven't been updating like I said I would be. Now there is a reason for this. It's not writers block or anything like that.

I've recently been raped. I was at a friends house for the night and I wasn't the only one there. We were all there to celebrate his 16th birthday.

It was a fun night until people started falling asleep. He, let's call him A, started getting clingy and possessive over me.

Now me and A were never dating or flirting. We were honestly barely friends. And once everyone was asleep, minus one person who we'll call B, he was touching and gripping my thigh.

I was too uncomfortable to tell him to stop with someone else present so I let it happen trying to ignore it and listen to B talk.

Once B fell asleep he proceeded to continue, against my wishes. I said stop and he told me that I was to stubborn for his liking and continued.


Once he was about to insert himself I stopped him with a question, since saying "No" clearly wasn't going to stop him even though he kept telling me I can tell him to stop when I want.

I asked him; "What about protection?" Because frankly I don't want to be raped but if I am I don't want it be pregnant with his child.

He insisted that he can do this and he's done it a million times before. And that if he wasn't sure he wouldn't be doing it cause he isn't ready to be a father.

He then proceed to go into the raping. Once he was done I thought it was over. I was so scared and I wished, and wish currently, more than anything that I stayed home.

Friend B woke up and all A did was talk about how we had "Sex" by looking at me you could see Friend B's uncontrollableness. I think they secretly know what really happened.

Once Friend B fell asleep once more I tried sleeping as well, but surprise once you get raped and have to sleep in the same room falling asleep is hard. He went for what he called "Round Two"

I couldn't think of another way to stop him because nothing worked before and my mind stopped working. So he proceeded to rape me, again.

Once he fell asleep around 4am (around 20 minutes after "Round Two") I felt like I couldn't move for an hour.

After an hour I made sure everyone was asleep before I checked to see how long the walk was home since it was storming.

I took the 16 minute walk home in downpour and snuck into my house and laid there.

I'm stilling trying to process it. It's like my mind doesn't want to believe it happened. Or maybe it's shocked that t happened. I don't know but whatever the case I've been laying here for about two days. (Since it happened) and I'm trying to tell people on account the no one knows it's me...I don't think I'm ready to tell people who know me yet...

Thanks for listening/Reading. I hope this explained a bit of why I haven't updated this weekend. I'm really sorry I'll get an update out when I can!

I love you guys...

WE SWAPPED!? ~Sander Sides Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now