Dark Water

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So, here is my Present Mic x Reader story! I want to say a few quick things before I start, though if you want you can skip this haha.

The reader is referred to as a female since that's what I am use to writing for. If you are under 18 you are aged up to be an adult in this since I am not making my loud ass husband a pedophile.

She (You) does have a quirk and it is similar to Ravens (Rachel Roth) with it being a darker shadow magic. So before anyone freaks out on me saying I am un-original or copying her, I am not, the power is only similar and because Raven possesses power that is assumed to be 'evil'  this fits the plot better.

(I mean and another fact here is that Raven is not the only character on this planet that has these abilities, meditates and can kick someone's ass using her mind, soooo...)  


Why is it that everyone makes it look so simple to be happy on television? In magazines? Those bright smiles with perfect teeth on the covers. Does money really buy happiness? You make quite a pretty penny a month, you're well off with money, but are you happy? No. Not at all. It was Fall now and the air was chilling your body to the bone, but it felt good. It made you feel numb like you couldn't feel your misery, be it only temporary. Shoving your hands into your pockets of your coat, your oversized hood over your head which cast a dark shadow over your eyes and the top of your nose, you continued to walk but you weren't even sure where you were going. Did it matter? Not really. You've been cooped up in your house and because Fall was the prettiest time of the year, it was the best time to go out.

You found yourself entering a small little coffee shop, a bell lightly 'dinged' when you opened the door as the comforting scent of warm coffee filled your nostrils. 'That's nice..'  You thought as you walked up and waited in line. Excited chatter echoed around the room, but your fogged up mind was an expert at blocking out the world around you. As you stood in line you felt eyes watching you and you stiffened. Was someone actually looking at you? Why? You weren't anything special, never thought you were pretty, not worth anyone's time. It's not like anyone cares about you. Was it because you were dressed in all black with an oversized hood on hiding your face? That sounded more plausible.

Following the gaze, you glanced with your peripheral and sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth. A tall slim blonde was sitting at a table a good twelve feet from you, watching you. You knew who he was, everyone did. Pro Hero Present Mic, loud as fuck, part time DJ and teacher at UA. You guessed he was getting ready to patrol tonight since he was in his hero get up. As people left or entered the cafe you noticed he greeted his fans with grins, laughter and even some pictures. You wanted to gag. 'I fucking hate heroes...Cocky bastards....money hungry fuckwits...Where were you all when I needed one...'  The girl behind the counter had to get your attention twice before you snapped out of your hatred fueled thoughts before you apologized and ordered your favorite coffee. As you turned away you shrunk under his gaze as he still stared at you, sitting as far away as possible hoping he would just fuck off. You assumed the cafe was packed because of him since it was already ten at night.

'Pfft, douche canoe...'  As you sat anxiously waiting for your coffee, loud laughter from him and a group of giggling girls made your eyes roll. "I love your radio show Present Mic!" One of the girls squealed as her voice could make your ears bleed worse than the Pro Heroes quirk. His chuckle was light, though loud enough to fill the room up. "Awe, thank you loyal listener!" He all but yelled and you felt your eye twitch. Can you just hurry and get your caffeine? Or at least have a villain break in and kill you? That would work too, since living is such a hassle. As he continued to talk to the four girls, your name was called and you stood up so fast you almost knocked the chair to the floor. Thanking them and grabbing your warm cup, you pushed past the girls and hauled ass out of there, though not without noticing how that blonde hero watched you as you left. 'The fuck is his deal? He doesn't even know me, yet he's acting like I was going to commit some crime. Doesn't fucking matter....everyone else treats me like the bad guy, why wouldn't some hero?'

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