You're Getting Engaged Pt. 2

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Author's Note: This is like chapter 1 but it's in the pov of the Schuyler brothers. Just wanted to clear that up!

Angelo's Pov

Elizjah, Peter, and I were waiting in the sitting room for mother. She said she had something to tell us. I turned to Elizjah and Peter who were somewhat excited, "You shouldn't get too excited. It's probably another stupid marriage proposal." They ignored me and continued on with their conversation about what the news could be.

After a while, mother returned to the sitting room. We looked at her, wanting to know the news. She smiled, "My sons, you're getting engaged!" My eyes widened and I heard Elizjah and Peter gasp. I sighed irritably, "E-Engaged mother?! All of us?" She nodded, "Yes!"

Elizjah spoke up, "Who are the ones we're getting engaged to mother?" She looked at us, "As part of this engagement, you will have the same fiance." Peter spoke next, "You mean, the three of us...will share a wife?" Mother nodded, "Yes. She is the daughter of a jewel company owner."

I shook my head, "Mother, you can't be serious. I mean, we don't even know her." Mother walked towards the door, "That's why she's coming to meet you three today. Go and get ready. I want you to look your best." Mother left the room, leaving us to sort everything out.

Elizjah looked at me, "What do you think she'll be like?" I sighed, "She'll probably be like every other girl we've met: Stuck up and a gold digger." I stood, "We might as well get ready. Come on."

We headed up to our rooms to get ready.

Elizjah's Pov:

I went into my room and shut the door. I straightened out my clothes and sat in a chair. I grabbed a book and started to read. As much as I tried to focus on the words, I couldn't.

Mother's words troubled me. I mean, getting married to someone I was meeting today sounded crazy, but if mother thinks its for the best, I'll do it. This girl couldn't be that bad. I am somewhat excited to meet her, but I think that Angelo is a bit apprehensive about it.

He's always hated the idea of marrying for status. With that thought, I went back to my book.

Back to Angelo

As I paced around the room, I heard a knock on my door. I went and opened the door, "Yes?" It was mother, "She's here. Please, get your brothers." I sighed, "Yes, mother." I knocked on Elizjah and Peter's doors, telling them that the girl we had to meet was here.

Elizjah came out first, followed by Peter. They both had this look on their faces. I ignored it and followed mother downstairs. We arrived at the sitting room. Mother opened the door and we went inside. A man and a younger woman were inside. After my mother announced us, the younger woman stepped forward. She curtsied and spoke. I expected a nasally stuck up voice, but she spoke softly and quietly, "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It is a pleasure to meet you."

I bowed and kissed her hand, "My name is Angelo Schuyler. The pleasure is mine." She blushed lightly and turned to my brothers as they introduced themselves. My mother shooed us outside to the garden.

As we lead (Y/n) to the garden, I watched her as she walked ahead with my brothers. She walked lightly as if walking on glass and had a natural sway in her step. So far, there wasn't anything I didn't like about her. I brought her to the stone bench by the fountain.

Elizjah sat on her left while I was on her right. I decided to start up the conversation, "I noticed that you came with your father. Is your mother at home?" The smile suddenly fell from her face. I mentally kicked myself. Great first impression...

She spoke quietly, in almost a whisper, "My mother...died when I was young..." Before I could apologize, Elizjah gently grabbed her hand, "We apologize if we brought up a sensitive subject." Her smile returned and she shook her head, "No. It's alright."

After that, we started up another conversation. We were able to find out about some of her interests, hobbies, and other things. I learned that she shared Elizjah's interest for reading, Peter's love for flowers, and my views on politics. She was very intelligent and witty but quiet and shy at the same time.

After a while, it was time for her to go.  We walked her out to the carriage and stood on the steps to see her off. As she walked down the stairs, she stopped and kissed us all on the cheek. She then stepped into the carriage and it set off.

I looked at my brothers and they looked completely love struck. I nudged them, "Come on, you two. Mother needs us to help her plan the Winter's Ball." They followed me inside with that look still on their faces. They were blushing, but I was unaware that I was blushing too.

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now