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Your Pov:

8 months had passed since Alexander had left. My stomach was large and swollen. My son was due any day now. I had knitted some clothing as I sat in the rocking chair by the window. Then, from outside, I heard a horse. I looked out the window, spotting Alexander dismounting a horse. I got up and moved to the front door. I opened it, smiling as Alexander stepped inside, "You're back." He spoke, "And happy to be so."

He continued, "I see the little one seems to be growing." I nodded, "He's a mischievous one." I bit my lip, "D-did you see...them?" He shook his head, "No. I asked General Washington, but not even he knew." After that, I helped him unpack. I could here church bells ringing as people celebrated in the streets.

A few nights later, we sat at the table eating dinner. My fork clattered on the table as a sharp pain burst through me. Alexander looked at me, "Are you alright?" I went to speak when a stronger pain cut me off. I winced, "I-I think the baby's coming." Alexander helped me up to my room, "I'll send for the doctor. It's alright." I shook my head, "The doctor won't make it in time. You'll have to do."

He helped me into a nightgown and I laid on the bed. My breathing was laboured as pain wracked my body. I looked at Alexander, "Don't just stand there!" He quickly laid a damp rag on my forehead before moving to the foot of the bed. He looked at me before raising my nightgown. After a few minutes, he spoke, "It looks like the baby's crowning now. Relax and try not to force yourself to push."

I dropped my head onto the pillow. Suddenly, a stinging sensation filled my body. Alexander spoke again, "Alright, you can push. Go at your own pace." I started to push, swallowing down my pain. I felt Alexander rest a towel under my legs. I pushed for what felt like hours, then, the pressure and pain faded.

A baby's cry filled the room. I looked up at Alexander. He was wrapping the baby up in a soft blanket. He spoke, "It's a boy. Just like you thought." He handed him off to me. I smiled.

(From now on, we're calling Alexander 'Alex' because typing the first takes longer)

Alex spoke, "Have you decided on a name?" I nodded, "Philip." He looked at me, "And a last name?" I sighed, "I'm not sure. The three of them could be alive, but if they aren't..." Alex rested a hand on my shoulder, "I know, but I don't mind if you use mine." After a while, I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to Alex sitting in a chair asleep next to the bed with Philip sleeping on his chest. I sat up, a dull pain still in my abdomen. I quietly got out of bed and slipped off my sweat drenched nightgown. I changed into a new dress before picking up Philip. As soon as I picked him up, Alex woke up. I spoke quietly, "I'll be downstairs." I left the room and headed down to the rocking chair.

I sat down in it and started rocking Philip. I shrugged the shoulder of my dress down and let him eat. Alex came down a few minutes later, papers and quill in hand. Philip finished and started making noises towards Alex. I giggled. Alex turned towards me, "He's a vocal little thing." I handed Philip to him, "I'm going to take a bath. Take good care of him."

As I walked up the stairs, I could hear Alex cooing at Philip. I went into the bathroom and ran the bath. I looked in the mirror. My reflection changed.

My bright and happy eyes had dulled slightly. My smooth complexion had become dark. Bags were beginning to form under my eyes and they were dark. I wasn't the same as I used to be.

As I stood there, one thought bounced around my mind.

'Who am I anymore?'

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant