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Alexander's Pov:

I saw (Y/n) off and headed to the Schuyler residence. I couldn't believe that they would do something so horrible to a beautiful, intelligent woman like her. They don't deserve her forgiveness just yet. Once at their home, I knocked on the door, ready to make them feel the pain she did.

The door opened and Elizjah stood there. He looked pathetic. His hair was disheveled and hanging out of its tie and he had bags under his eyes. He frowned when he saw me, "Yes, Mr. Hamilton?" I sighed, "I want to speak with you and your brothers. Privately." He led me inside to a sitting room.

Angelo sat in a chair with his head in his hands, ignoring everything else. The sound of the door shutting snapped him out of his trance. I looked at the three of them, "Congratulations, you idiots. I don't know how you managed to do it, but you've invented a new kind of stupid. A kind of stupid you can never undo."

Angelo looked at me, bags under his eyes, "You don't think we already know that? We know we've hurt her and she won't forgive us." I glared at them, "She shouldn't have to forgive you. Do you know where she went after she found out about what you did? Through a piece of paper no less!" They stayed silent. I continued, "She came to me. The only person that stayed by her side when your secret came out! You ruined her." I sighed, "And you know what? I put aside my happiness for hers. I thought she would be happier with you three, but I was wrong! I loved her! "

"But she only loved you. You were blind to the fact that you had been blessed with her. You decided to let your desires blind you to how truly blessed you were. When she comes back, you three better be begging on your knees for her forgiveness. Just know, if you just continue to wallow in your own self pity...I won't be afraid to show you where my shoe fits." Without waiting for a reply, I left and slammed the door behind me.

Your Pov

After a long carriage ride, I arrived to my father's town post. As I walked through the town, I got the same looks of pity from people in the streets. I ignored them and hurried to the inn where my father was staying. I went to his room and knocked on the door. After a couple of minutes, the door opened, but instead of my father, it was another soldier, "How can I help you, miss?" I sighed, "I'm looking for Lieutenant (F/n). My father."

The man tensed and a look of pity crossed his face, "Lieutenant (F/n) died two days ago, miss." My eyes widened and tears ran down my cheeks, "H-How?" He handed me a letter and a small bag, "He was shot. He bled out before he could get treatment. This letter was supposed to go to you." I took the letter and the bag before curly thanking him and walking off.

I headed back to New York City and waited for my father's remains to be delivered. I went back to the Schuyler residence and put on a black dress with some black heels. I passed the boys in the hallway, but didn't spare even a glance.

After that, I went to Alexander's home. I knocked on the door and waited. Shortly after, Alexander opened the door, "(Y/n), what are you doing here? I thought you went to see your father?" I looked at him with wet eyes, "My father has died and I do not want to stay in the Schuyler residence right now." He frowned and led me inside. We sat and he pulled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry (Y/n). You can stay here for as long as you need. I'll prepare a room for you." I nodded as he left to prepare the room.

Alexander lived uptown, so it was very quiet. I stood and looked out the window, "It's quiet uptown...I've never liked the quiet before..." I turned when I felt Alexander's hand on my shoulder. I followed him to the room in silence. I sat on the bed and thought to myself. Alexander had turned in for the night, so I was the only one awake. I lied down and tossed and turned before going to sleep.

During the next two days, my father's remains were returned. Alexander helped me plan the funeral. The next day, we held the funeral. It was only Alexander, the Schuyler brothers, and I that attended. After my father was buried, I sat in front of the grave stone. I had told Alexander that I would be going back home with the brothers, so he left right after the funeral. I placed a hand on the tombstone, "You would like it uptown father. It's quiet uptown..."

I stood and walked with the boys back to the house. I went up to my room and lied in bed for the rest of the day. Later that night, Angelo came in. He sat in the chair next to my bed, "I know I don't deserve you (Y/n), but please, hear me out. That would be enough." I turned away from him silently. He spoke again, "If I could trade his life for mine, he'd be standing here right now. You would smile, and that would be enough."

After that, days passed. Each day, 1 of the boys would come sit in my room. I never spoke to them but they always spoke to me. When they would leave the house, I would stand at the window, watching them always decide to walk instead of ride in the carriage. Alex wrote me some letters and often times, came to visit. I spoke to him and he held me as I grieved.

After 2 weeks, I decided that I couldn't keep ignoring the boys. I didn't know if I could forgive them, but I just needed someone. I got up the next morning and got dressed in an emerald green dress. I checked for the boys, but they seemed to be out. I headed to the garden and walked around, listening to the birds sing. I sat on the stone rim of the fountain and closed my eyes. I thought about my father. Now that he has passed away, I will have to take over the company. It was his legacy.

I sighed thinking.

Legacy, what is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
He wrote some notes at the beginning of a song I will sing for him. He's running out of time and his time’s up.
Wise up. I caught a glimpse of the other side that day. My mother is on the other side. She’s with my father on the other side. Everyone was watching from the other side. Teach me how to say goodbye...

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone sat next to me. I looked up and saw Elizjah. He looked horrible. His hair was tangled and falling out of its tie. He had large bags under his eyes and he looked very sleep deprived. Was this how the other boys looked? I didn't say a word and he sighed, "Would you like to accompany me to the store?" I nodded and stood. He looked up at me, shocked, "(Y-Y/n)..."

With that, we walked to the store. On the way there, some people held looks of pity. Elizjah tried to take my mind off of the stares. After the store, we went to the park. I sat on a bench and watched as he picked a flower. He placed it in my hair and tried to smile, "Look around, look around...(Y/n)..." We headed back home and I could feel my heart starting to mend itself back together. At the house, I went back out to the garden. Angelo and Peter sat by the fountain. I approached them while Elizjah followed. Angelo looked up, "(Y/n)! You're finally coming out of your room. We were all so worried about you."

I stayed silent and my eyes began to well up with tears. I looked into the fountain and my tears dripped into the water creating ripples on its surface. I sat down next to the three of them and quietly spoke, "I-It's quiet uptown...I..." I was pulled into a hug by Elizjah, "Shh...I know, I know." I pulled away and looked at them, "I...I forgive you..." They all shared a look of surprise before pulling me into a group hug.

For the first time in a while, I smiled.

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now