We'll Figure It Out

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Your Pov:

I slipped past the servants and to the other carriage. I spoke to the driver, "To town please." The ride was quick. I went into the park and to the bench, "Alexander?" A voice came from behind the tree by the bench, "(Y/n). You came." I nodded, "Yes. Now, let's go." He held my hand and led me to a casual riding carriage. He put my luggage in the back and helped me up. He sat next to me and whipped the reins. The horses moved.

A while later, we came to a quaint house on the edge of town. I smiled, "It's lovely." He took me inside to a simple bedroom, "Here we are. Make yourself at home." I nodded, "Thank you." He left me alone after that. I rested on the bed, my eyes getting heavier until I completely fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to Alexander gently shaking me, "(Y/n)." I sat up slowly, "H-Huh?" He held up a newspaper, "You might want to see this." I read the newspaper article.

Jefferson Going To Georgia?!

Thomas Jefferson has been spotted leaving Monticello late last night, on the prowl for something. We received one statement from Mr. Jefferson: "I have business in Georgia. Politics and all that."

Is that really all Jefferson is chasing?

According to his servants, he is chasing after a girl. But they refused to release this girl's name.

Who is this mystery girl?

Find out in tomorrow's edition.

I sighed, "At least I managed to throw him off my scent. I told him I was going to Georgia in my letter." He laughed, "You sent Mr. Pompous on a wild goose chase? Brilliant!" I spoke, "If you'd let me get up, I can cook breakfast." We headed into the kitchen and I made some eggs and toast. I served Alexander, but before I could make my own plate, there was a knock at the door. Alexander went to get up, but I placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'll get it."

I went to the door and answered it. The same messenger from a month ago stood on the doorstep. He spoke, "Letter for Mr. Hamilton." I took it, "Thank you." I closed the door and opened the letter. It was from General Washington. He wanted Alexander to go back to the war. I walked into the dining room, "Alexander, a letter arrived for you. From General Washington." I handed it to him.

He read it, then looked at me, "I have to go." I sighed, "I know." I helped him with his uniform and walked him to the door, "Stay alive..." He nodded, "I will. I'll be back to see this little one." He continued, "If I see those three, I'll write to you about it. I'll send letters."

Then, he was gone.

I sat in the rocking chair by the window, humming.

"Look around, look around..."

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now