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Keith kogane had been the type of teenager you would never expect to talk to people without an attitude. He was always snappy and rude, he was a hotheaded some would call him. But he was only a hothead outside of dance class. In that particular class he was an angle, graceful, and some would even call him "cute" or "hot". But every girl that had asked him out would get the answer in a harsh way. he would simply say no and that he wasn't interested, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him without a second thought of it.

If you think Keith was bad just imagine him but more cocky, Lance McClain. Lance was practically the same except he wasn't a hothead, hell he was nice but he broke just as many hearts as Keith did. He was one of those types of guys you would see in a clitćh movie except he was more realistic. Some called him "sexy" or "stunning" and the haters would call him "rude" and "no talent" now Keith could handle the insults, but lance couldn't. If someone called him something he didn't like he would act fine the entire day until he got to his dorm then he would cry for a while and make sure that no one was to see. And no one did. No one ever saw him cry not once and when people would ask if he was alright he would pull off the biggest, cockiest grin and would make sure no one suspected a thing, and no one did.

Keith had black hair cut into a mullet and had purple grayish eyes. He normally wore a grey shirt with a red, yellow, and white jacket that came to his mid stomach. With black pants and black and white  converse. Since he wore this stuff he was considered an "emo" but he really wasn't he loved the ocean and the galaxy we watched anime and always enjoyed being out doors. But with people being the way they are, they judge him and think he's way different.

Lance was almost the opposite. Keith and lance may have the same interests but He has brown hair with glistening blue eyes. He normally wore a white shirt with a greenish brownish jacket that had yellow patches on the arms. He wore jeans with high tops and if he wasn't wearing that he was wearing a hoodie with the rest of it.  Now lance to everyone seemed that he was happy, but he wasn't he normally on a daily basis cried himself to sleep though he never cut himself, he's thought about it before. Lance being the way he is though doesn't want people to know his true emotions he would prefer everyone to think he's happy so that way if  he does end up cutting no one would know. But that also means that if he's down in the slightest bit at the school, everyone would be worried and he felt that no one should "waste" their time worrying about him.

They both went to the same school and as you guessed they had PLENTY of classes together. To be exact they had every class together since they had singing and dancing. The singers and the dancers have all classes together, and your unable to change it once you've picked it for that year. Now the school system is similar to the ones you have now but they are VERY different. The kids in this school took 7 classes like normal but they picked their classes and they didn't have to take a class for science nor social studies meaning the rest of the 5 classes they had was up to them to decide, unless they had singing and dancing. Singers had all their classes with dancers even their academic classes to keep things in order. They also only had a 1 month break in between years instead of 2 or 3 like normal. And once that month came around they could chose to stay as long as they wanted or go home to families or friends or just be out of the school for a month. Lance spent his with his family and old friends that he didn't see anymore. And Keith? He doesn't have a family. His father died in a fire and his mother left him for fame, And boy did she get fame. She was the most popular country singer of their time. Luckily Keith hated country, so he never had to love his mom in any way.

Even though Keith loathed his mom he has to thank her for his talent. Keith can dance. And he's very good at it too he wasn't a basic dancer you'd find in a concert, or at a talent show, he was better. He was in a foster home dancing around he though no one was their but he was wrong. One of the adults that worked their was watching him through the camera set up in the room, and the adult was too amazed to let this go unseen. So she sent Keith off to a talent school and he's been learning since.

Lance was a singer. He loved to sing and not only did he love it he was extraordinarily amazing at it. He was in the shower singing without any microphones or anything but his mother sent him off leaving his friends and family behind to have bigger goals then they were gonna be able to afford. Lance was sad at first he didn't want to leave but he now understands cause apparently when lance sang he never listened to himself until someone recorded him and let him listen. it was then he realized his talent. Many have tried to use lance for his talent but fortunately he was smarter then he seemed. After all he was a strait "A" student so he never really fell for stupid things that would go by any normal person. But because he was a strait "A" student he was also a jock. He loved sports beyond belief and luckily that was one of his classes. His 3rd class of the day was full of activity not work out just activity. Games, and sometimes work outs.

Lance was on his way back from his family's house that he had stayed at for a month. Little did he know that Keith was sitting in their dorm angry to know that lance was his room mate.

So what do you guys think? I feel like I did good... but me being depressed and shit. (Kill me) I feel like I did bad but hhhhhh oh and if you guys didn't know I have to take depression and anxiety pills now don't worry I haven't cut but I'm alright I guess👍🙃

But anyway LOVE YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE READS!!! I didn't think I would get as many that I have tehehehehehehehe so thanks lovlies🙏🙌

Word count: 1165

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