chapter~4~ Love?

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Lance settled down next to keith watching what seemed to be Alice in the Wonder Land, but to him it seemed like the movie was keith cause he couldnt keep his eyes off him. lance knew he had feelings for keith but he would never imagine keith having feelings for someone like him. Lance just did not like himself in the slightest. He used to cut himself in middle school and he still thinks about doing it sometimes but he cant do that around keith. He wants to at least seem confident and strong around him even if he isnt. ¨hey keith ill be right back.¨ keith looked up ¨ok.¨ he replied. lance got off the couch and went into the bathroom and got his anti depressants out. he was feeling really down for some odd reason so why not. 

lance opened the bottle and took out 1 pill and swallowed it down with some water and brushed his teeth before deciding he was tired. lance walked out of the bathroom and told keith that he was tired and keith stood up, walking to the TV, turned it off, and looked at lance. ¨ ok no problem i was getting tired too so lets got to bed.¨ with that lance ended the night by falling flat face on his pillow and passing out once the medicine finally kicked in.


one month later;

Keith and lance had been sharing dorms for about a month now, and Keith started noticing some things going on with lance and going on with him. Lance would walk into a room and keith felt like he needed to hide his face every now and then from the blood rushing to it. It wasn't his fault! lance would walk around without a shirt like it was nothing and whenever Keith saw that dark caramel skin, his eyes would lead down to his v-line making him really awkward and well...hard.

But keith was also noticing that lance would become more hidden about a certain thing and that was his sexuality. Keith knew he liked guys hell he had came out to shiro when he was about to attend this school, but he didnt know about lance. Whenever they got on the subject he would avoid all possible questions about his sexuality even if it wasn't focused on him. Yeah keith got a vibe that he wasn't strait but he never pushed it. He knew that was also a touchy subject when he hadnt came out.

¨Hey lance i need to tell you something..¨ lance perked up from his phone and looked at keith. Lance had no idea that keith was about to tell him that he was gay, and had been since middle school. ¨yea sure whats up?¨ lance spoke.

¨ bUt i dont want you to view me as a different person im still the keith you have grown to like over the month!...ok?¨ keith was worried. He was worried lance wouldnt accept him. He was worried he would have to find a new roommate as well but lances voice hitched and put a stop to all of those thoughts.

¨Lance! whats wrong?! did i do something wrong?!¨ now keith was really worried. He hadnt expected this reaction, of all reactions. He had thought lance was going to be happy.

¨n-no y-*hic* you d-didnt do anythi*hic*ng w-wrong. its j-ust me! *hic* i think im b-bisexual but im n-not *hic* s-su-¨ keith stopped him right there. 1 he didnt wan to hear lance cry and talk. 2 he couldnt understand him and 3 he hated it when good people cry.

¨lance. i want you to calm down before you try to tell me whats wrong cause i cant understand you when you speak like that.¨ lance nodded and eventually calmed down after a good 20 minutes. 

¨ok so lance do you think you can tell me now since your calmed?¨ even though keith could barely understand what lance was trying to say earlier, he felt like it was his fault some how. ¨ok well you didnt do anything wrong keith, its me. i-I think im... bisexual. but i havent came out to my family or anyone for that matter. when you told me you were gay... you just made it look so easy and it made me feel like im probably just weak.¨lance confessed. 

 keith could not believe his ears.why would lance feel like hes weak? of all people? he was so strong and confident with that amazing grin of his that he would pull of. He was happy when people needed him the most, i guess theres more to it then lance being a ray of sunshine

 ¨lance your not weak. your one of the strongest people i know! look coming out to me was Terrible, i felt like no one would accept the real me and just stop talking to me in general but you know what... no one left me. not my practical brother not my few friends and i didnt get picked on too much either. I know that coming out seems like a terrible thing but at least your able to own yourself. some people are still confused at this point in their lives. Your owning that your bisexual and thats awesome! look it may seemed easy for me but it was very difficult. i didnt know your opinion on stuff like that so it worried me but now look. YOU ACCEPTED ME! and i have never felt better.¨

¨would it be weird if i told you that your the reason why im bisexual?¨ lance spoke. keiths heart had about had ruptured from joy. 'LANCE LIKES ME???' ¨would it be weird if i told you that ive liked you since i laid my eyes on your skin that matched perfectly with those greyish purplish eyes of yours that i cant get enough of?¨ lance questioned keith again. keiths heart couldnt take this much joy and this much love he couldnt. 'lance was such an amazing person why would he like some one like me im nothing special' and thats when keith finally figured out what was going on with himself. keith loved lance.

¨no lance that wouldnt be weird because i feel the exact same way.¨ and with that lance gave him a huge hug with a kiss on keiths head. even though there were tears they were happy tears for once.

OOMMGGG oKKKK the confesion has happened and sorry for the entire month jump im on my laptop and i HATE typing on it, i prefer my phone. BUT WOW THAT WAS EXCITING not that many words, but i did type a lot considering  iM oN mY lApTOp  (WHICH I HATE) but still it was so worth it 

word count: 1118

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