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Once it began to darken Keith decided that they should go back to their dorms.
"I didn't expect us to have so much in common.." Keith admitted.
"Don't worry I didn't either honestly I thought we were gonna argue the entire time with us being out here."
"Yea same!" They both laughed it off a little and then there was a comfortable silence.
Lance decided that he should go ahead and tell Keith about what happened when he was little.

"H-hey I have something t-to tell you..."
Keith looked over at lance and saw that he had a disturbing look on his face.
"Ok I'm all ears!"
Lance took a deep breath in and a deep breath out.
"I'm afraid of the dark! And I feel like you should know why since we're gonna be sharing dorms!"
Keith was shocked. That's all he could manage to say his Emotion was. He was shocked. How in the world is lance afraid of the dark... why?

"I bet your wondering why.. we'll it's because of something that happened a long time ago...
I didn't mention my dad for a reason... it's because he's the cause of my fear...."
Keith didn't say anything he just listened.
Lance took a shaky breath and began.

"My dad was an alcoholic when I was younger he wasn't too bad but he would drink constantly. He never hurt any of my siblings or my mom. He didn't ever hurt anyone in general...but one night he got too drunk... he came home late one night from work and started yelling at my mom. All my sibling were in bed and I was the only one awake except for our mom. Well me being a curious kid and all I walked down stairs to find my mom and dad arguing and he hit her. I had enough and shouted at my dad. My mom ran over to me and took me into the basement I guess to hide me. But she took me down there and told me to hide, So I did what she told me. My mom left the room but she turned off the lights when she left. I guess she thought I was my older sister cause she said "Veronica hide!" And turned out the lights. After listening to my mom and dad fight and argue I heard the door to the basement open but shut abruptly. Inside I knew it was my dad so I stayed hidden. I knew he wasn't in a good mood so I didn't want to get in the way, But he called out my name. I didn't mean to answer but habit doing it's job I said "yea?" Eventually I heard his footsteps come towards me and he hit me multiple times. I was crying for what seemed like hours but no one heard me but him. He was laughing and just strait up abusing me and damn did it hurt."

Keith couldn't believe his ears. Lance was abused? How the hell does that happen to someone like him. But lance apparently had more to say.
"My dad had beat me for what seemed like hours. I was bleeding all over my back and arms but he didn't stop until the police arrived. My sibling jessy has heard me crying and screaming and called the cops. In the end he got arrested and is in jail to this day, but I was left with a fear of the dark beaten into me. Ever since then I can't even be in a room alone. If no one is in the room with me and it's dark...I'll start crying and screaming. I guess you could say it's not that I'm scared of the dark it's that I'm scared of what could be In the dark..."

Like that lance was crying. He was crying because he could remember how every hit felt how scared he was and how much pain he was in. And Keith didn't know what to do. They stood in the same spot for a good 10 minutes just so lance could at least calm down a little bit with it growing darker both of them knew it wouldn't help the situation at hand.
"Lance you wanna go inside, it's getting darker."
"Yea lets go inside."
Lance and Keith eventually got back to their dorms and went into their room. Lance hated looking vulnerable in front of Keith. Weak in other words. But he wasn't worried about that. He was worried about being alone. Keith settled lance down onto his bed and started walking towards his bed. It was dark in the room and Keith honestly forgot that lance was scared until lance tugged in his shirt. Lance looked up and Keith and Keith looked down at lance with their eyes locking in an intense moment.

Lance pulled his hand back surprised and started to apologize immediately. Lance remembered that Keith has a problem with physical contact.
"Ah- I-I'm sorry!"
"It's fine but you could have just asked me to stay." Keith wasn't trying to be pushy but he also wasn't trying to be all hugs either. This was rather difficult.
"Just turn on the light." Lance was very scared cause now the sun was fully set and it was almost pitch black it would have been if it weren't for the moon.
"Ah ri-right." Keith walked over to the light and flicked the switch lighting up the room. Keith eye caught lance easing up a bit.
"Are the rest of the lights on?" Lance got up from the bed he knew he looked calmer because Keith stammered and went to turn on the rest of the lights.

"Look Keith I'm sorry if I started you I just get really... weird when I'm in the dark with someone I've learned to kinda just get someone to sleep in the same room cause my siblings don't mind. I guess I forgot that you probably would..."

"There's no need for you to apologize. you were going by instincts and habit. I'm not mad but all you have to do is just ask. Like say if you were tired and wanted to go to bed just let me know and we both can go to bed. Alright?"

Lance liked this system Keith wanted to go by. Plus that means he could stay up all night allowing Keith to go to bed whenever he wanted as long as lance was in the same room it didn't matter what Keith did... unless if he wanted to do something else. BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER QUIT THINKING ABOUT THAT LANCE!!! bAd!

Keith could tell that lance was scolding himself for something and for some reason Keith felt embarrassed. His face was red and he was stammering a lot of things that kinda made Keith flush.
"What are scolding yourself for?" He was actually a little worried but not too much it can't be that bad lance isn't... weird like that. Plus lance is strait so there's no reason why he would think of anything like that.
"hUh oH itS nOthINg dOnt wORry abOUt iT!" And with that shout lance ran past Keith and went into the living room. Now Keith knew something was up.
"Look I'm not gonna judge you! Just tell me what's-" Keith waltzed into the living room to see lance crouching in the corner of the room messing with a bunch of boxes.
"You wanna watch a movie?" He was obviously trying very desperately to change the subject but Keith being Keith decided to mess with him a little.
"Lance don't tell me you were thinking something...nAUghtY?!" Keith was just joking but lance was dying inside now.
"What!? nOo nO! I swear I- I wasn't!"
Now Keith could tell that he pushed a button or flicked a switch. He hit the topic and wanted to push forward. But little did he know that lance was growing hard.
"Look Keith! I- I need to be a- alone for a bit.... I- I NEED TO DO MY FACE MASK! Y-yeah!" And with that lance once again ran past Keith and locked himself into the bathroom.
"Whatever lance I'll put in a movie you can join me once your done doing.. whatever you need to do.

Lances POV.

I locked myself in the bathroom to see my pants had a huge tent. He was worried Keith would hear him but he had to fix his problem. If he didn't itd hurt and that's a pain lance doesn't want to experience again!
So lance slid his hand down his pants and into his boxers to feel his member. Once he had a grip on it he started running his hand up and down from the base to the head.
"Ah- ahh~" He pulled down his boxers and pants for easier movement and began to stroke faster. Up and down up and down. Lance had to cover his mouth to prevent the moans he wanted to let out and With lance having a 7 1/2 long inch dick it hurt especially worse when he didn't handle his 'problem' and the more he waited the worse it got. Lance kept his pace up thinking about Keith. What he'd look like if lance was fucking him right then and there and with a surge of energy he came on the floor.
Lance pulled up his pants and boxers and decided to calm down a little before he'd clean his mess.
—————‼️END OF SMUT‼️—————
Lance cleaned up the mess he had made and washed his hands.
Lance ended up deciding to do his acne treatment. He was always concerned about his looks (even though he's already angle!) so he did a different treatment every week. Since today was Sunday he would work on his acne treatment from Sunday to Saturday and pick a new treatment for the next week.
After lance had done his acne treatment he left the bathroom and walked into the living room.

He saw Keith laying on the couch with a movie playing and lance decided to join him. He sat down beside him and began to watch the movie with Keith.

WOW that took a little while. I know you guys love me I updated two days in a row I'll try updating tomorrow too!! How did I do on the smut? I actually was worried for a bit honestly but I like what I've accomplished! Geeesh!!! Oh and I'll start numbering the chapters too mainly because we all can get lost in this type of stuff all the time!!

Word count :1780

~What I feel~ (klance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt