Chapter ~7~ hesitance

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ok sorry I love this photo right here I got it from insta but I have no idea who the artist is GOSH I LOVE ITT😍🤤☺️

Ok here's the story *shrugs*

Keith woke up with strong arms wrapped around his torso. The memories of last night making him smile with happiness, he really did love it. Keith's eyes wandered through out the room remembering that he was on Lances side.
'Maybe we could join our beds?' Keith thought to himself but shook of the idea. Lance and him may be dating but that does not mean that they share the same interests.

As Keith's eyes wandered the room he felt a little movement up against his back and smiled again. This was his lance and no one could change that if they wanted. He was going to make sure to keep lance all to himself especially away from Allura and Nyma.

Keith did not like those girls one bit. It's not their personality he didn't like, it was the fact they hung around lance all the time ever since they moved here. But now he could tell them to back off, lance was his boyfriend after all that only gives him the right and so much more.

But those girls are nothing to worry about. They were just girls after all and if lance did want to date them, he would have already done so. Suddenly a kiss on the back of his head stopped him from his thoughts. Lance had awoken.

"Good morning, lance. How did you sleep?" Keith questioned. And all he heard was lance giggle and mumble good morning. The arms began to tighten around his torso as he was being held by lance. He knew lance wanted attention so he rubbed his back against Lances chest causing the taller boy to smile in pleasure.

"You want me to make you breakfast, or do you want me to stay a little longer" Keith picked up the clock in Lances bedside table and read it.
"It's 8:32am and we don't have to be at class till 10 o'clock so it's your choice, we have time."
Lance smiled at his question and squeezed Keith even tighter, hoping it would answer his question.

"Hmm?" Keith asked confused. He was always so clueless to Lances little hints, or answers. Lance would have to be specific, but he was too tired to do that.
"Stay a little longer then go make me food, ok?" Lance said groggily.
He was really tired especially since they didn't even go to sleep till 3 o'clock. It normally didn't affect him this much, but he was so comfy with Keith in his arms.

Keith giggled at his response and nodded.
"You know that I don't understand things unless you say it to me, so don't act like I knew what you were gonna say." Keiths remark only made lance croak a laugh out of him, also waking him up.
Still laying on Lances bed, Keith turned around and hugged lance, shifting so he could be comfortable.
"I love you." Keith whispered.
"I love you too." Lance replied with happiness. How did he get so lucky to have someone like keith in his life. Honestly he can't remember what he's done to deserve this angle he holds in his arms.
"I love you so so much." Lance began as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. He really did love keith so much that is scared him. It scared him to lose him, it scared him to think about what it would be like if he wasn't there. It just scared him.
But lance didn't need this at 8 in the morning not now. So he pushed those thoughts away and smiled down at keith soon kissing him on the head.

Eventually Keith knew he needed to get up, so he got up and began to find his clothes for the day, forgetting lance was in the room. So he changed of course. He changed from head to toe leaving lance speechless. Keith's body was amazing. From his mullet that fit his pale skin to his ass that was the perfect shape and size. It almost made lance want to get up and hold him just the way he was.

Though keith didn't change out of his boxers, lance could practically see his ass. Those boxers fit him all to well.
"Hey keith since when did you have such a fine ass?" Keith jumped from fear and turned to look at lance with his hands covering his exposed skin.

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